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Items tagged with: enshitification

β€œFord Motor Company is seeking a patent for technology that would allow it to tailor in-car advertising by listening to conversations among vehicle occupants, as well as by analyzing a car’s historical location and other data, according to a patent application published late last month.”

#Ford #enshitification

People can be as upset about this as they want, but so long as they continue to watch #YouTube they continue tacitly supporting their user-hostile actions. If you really want to make a difference, stop watching, and tell content creators why. When you can convince them to move to platforms that don't shove ads down your throat every 3 minutes, THAT is when you'll see #Google change their tune.

#tech #technology #enshitification #PeerTube #tilvids

Content warning: Meta drama

So Google is now preventing people from removing location data from photos taken with Pixel phones.

Remember when Google's corporate motto was "don't be evil?"

Obviously, accurate location data on photos is more useful to a data mining operation like Google.

From Google: "Important: You can only update or remove estimated locations. If the location of a photo or video was automatically added by your camera, you can't edit or remove the location."

It's enshitification in action.


#technology #tech @technology #business #enshitification #Android #Google @pluralistic #infosec

The other aspect is the inability to easily transition between SSO providers, e.g. if I use Google as my SSO... changing that is a right nightmare. At least with email you can get your own domain and easily shop around for providers, but not so much with SSO. Also changing account names (people do change their names...) can be a totally messed up experience with a lot of SSO systems.

Reminder: any auth system needs to support changing your account name easily, and changing your provider easily. Otherwise, a lot of people will worry (rightfully so) about vendor lock-in and #enshitification.
