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Items tagged with: empathy

I just can't imagine the pain she is going through.

It's just not possible.

My. Mother lost 2 children and until the day she died, she had pains of loss deep inside of her.. watching her cary her dead children is making me so sad

Can't understand how people just ignore their pain and suffering. Specially when there are over 14900of them , a number keep increasing daily.

#empathy #NotATarget #Genocide #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

3/ Designers love talking about #empathy , but it can be hard to walk the walk. What do you do when literally 97% of your users are saying "I don't like trying to curate a good timeline, and I don't like having to scroll to keep up with everything, and I feel like I'm missing out on the good stuff, and I'm confused?"

Bad designers say "Deal with it."

Good designers say "Hm. This is a problem to solve."

And that's where algorithmic timelines, guide, moments, editorial content, etc came from.

I moved instances, so I'm reposting my #introduction.

I enjoy #coffee #tea #reading #sff #history #cooking #singing.

I'm #queer #gay #lgbtq #iconoclast. I #create #software.

I have a weekly #newsletter with stuff I've enjoyed over the preceding week and how it relates to engendering #empathy and social resilience.

My #politics tend to be #progressive #centrist: I want the world to be a better place for everyone while maximizing agency for everyone. I'm sympathetic to #EffectiveAltruism.

What worries me most in this world is the lack of #empathy we have for each other.

When you boil down conflict, its a lack of the ability to empathize with another human beings pain, feelings or position.

This song and its video are a very effective way to rekindle your love and empathy for your fellow humans. I strongly recommend watching it.

#music #ambient #chants #world #planet #humanity #peace #poverty #love #compassion #empathy