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Items tagged with: elections

It’s finally time to release my newest project:

This website provides a real-time lens into the cryptocurrency industry’s efforts to influence 2024 elections in the United States.

#crypto #cryptocurrency #elections #USpol #lobbying

A screenshot of the front page of, showing total amounts raised by crypto-currency focused PACs ($203 million) and amounts spent ($38 million). There are also graphs showing expenditures by political party, and expenditures by PAC. There is a list of the top elections influenced by crypto industry money, of the most highly-funded super PACs overall, and of recent expenditures by crypto-focused committees.

#Élections #Legislative

Enfin la FIN pour MACRON ? (3 scénarios pour dimanche)

Quand le vent souffle fort, il emporte aussi les girouettes !!!

dimanche vous avez trois choix :
- Soit voté Fasciste
- soit être des Collabos
- soit voté a gauche

et moi, anarcho-syndicaliste et anarcho-communiste, je n'étais pas un "grand' voteur, (quoi que 2017 j'ai voté LFI) mais là, pas d'autre choix !!!

Nous règlerions nos comptes a gauche après !!!

Car quand les fachos prennent le pouvoir, ils ne rendent jamais !

Umberto Eco has a cogent essay about how to spot the signs of what he calls "Ur-Fascism", or the essential components of fascism.

I turned it into an infographic, because, well, you know why...

Mirror of the article here:

High Res PDF of the infographic here:

#fascism #authoritarianism #elections #infographic #democracy

Umberto Eco's 14 Signs of Ur-Fascism - Cult of Tradition - Irrationalism - Distrust of the Intellectual - Disagreement Is Treason - Fear of Difference - Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class - Obsession with a Plot - Humiliation - Permanent Warfare - Popular Elitism - A Cult of Death - Machismo - The Leader Expresses the Will of the People - Newspeak