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Items tagged with: devlife

I'm finally working on my first microservices project of my career, and so far most design decisions have been aimed at centralization (monorepo, central GraphQL API).

I'm starting to believe microservices sounds good in theory but has absolutely no business being implemented in its purest form.

Also the Make command to build the local Docker environment can take up to 15 minutes to run on a M1 Macbook Pro. And because the environment uses an AWS token that expires every day, the command needs to be ran every day you may be working on the project. This is such an incomprehensible waste to me, have I already reached the end of my career in software development?

#DevLife #Programming

For several months now I've been the only one left working on a project at work and for several months deployments issues on this project have increased. Coincidence? I think not. Since I'm the only one left programming, there hasn't been any meaningful code review for a few months either. It's not enough to have another pair of eyeballs looking at your code if they aren't familiar with it.

Still feels bad to have end users bear the brunt of this though.

#DevLife #Development #Programming

AWS: This feature will be accessible soon.
Me: Cool, is there a way I can be notified?
AWS: Sure, we'll post about it on the What's New blog for media services, here's the URL.
Me: I don't see any syndication feed?
AWS: I thought you could get email updates?

Turns out there's a single RSS feed for updates to all the AWS products, but no way of getting a filtered feed by category/product, which makes it into a useless firehose. 🤷‍♂️


The perpetual #programmation Catch-22:
  • Need the configuration to instantiate a logger.
  • Need a logger to instantiate the configuration.

#DevLife #Development #Software

I always feel at least a little bit bad interrupting a command-line program with Ctrl+C. Sorry buddy.

I've had to install #npm on #Windows to fix a security vulnerability in a #Javascript library we're using in #Friendica, I feel dirty now.

#DevLife #Development

"Error: #MySQL server has gone away"

Look... I don't blame them.


2005 me: #SOAP is too verbose, look at all these defined types! #JSON is the future with arbitrary structure!
2020 me: Actually SOAP has a point 🤔

#DevLife #Development #Programming

Me, last week in a git commit: "Clearing the confusion about X"
Me, today: No it doesn't.
