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Items tagged with: demonstration

Hundertausend gegen Rechtsextremismus

Bei Hitlers brennt noch Licht

Von Lalon Sander, Sean-Elias Ansa

Seit Freitag haben mindestens 150.000 Menschen gegen Rechtsextremismus demonstriert. Das zeigt eine taz-Auswertung von etwa 140 Demos.

Schwerpunkt: Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)

#taz #tageszeitung #Schwerpunkt #Proteste #gegen #rechts #Demonstration #Demokratiebewegung #Nazis

I've thought about doing this for a while now.
#AltText is something I advocate for, as well as some other simple ways to make posts more #accessible and #inclusive. Let's make this #interactive.
Reply with an #image and I'll tell you what my #ScreenReader thinks it shows, as a practical #demonstration of inaccuracies, limitations and why alt text is better.
Edit on request: Not all screen readers can do image recognition. Alt text is the only viable way to be inclusive. #accessibility #blind


The first public demonstration of a computer mouse, graphical user interface, windowed computing, hypertext and word processing, 1968

#computer #pc #mouse #graphics #text #demonstration #1968