2021-04-08 09:05:02
2021-03-23 11:15:41
2021-03-23 11:14:40
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Ditje (old), nickfly27, @legeneralmidi@friendica.me @flaccide@friendica.me, Christian Bredlow, nadloriot, Alarc'h, Charlie Kravetz, Violante de Rojas, Cornelius van Alsum, Christoph S, BERTRAM DG7BBA BAB' ZäHLPIXEL, bushgrad, carmen pg granxeiro, Zé Pedro, John Sauchelli, Igor Calì 🏴☠️ 🏳️🌈 🇮🇹, Mikolaj Sitarz, MBE, cool vibes, Vikram Ramchandran, Александр Глинский alejandro5756 and docnederlands like this.
•Mark likes this.
Petros Kanenas Outis Polonos
•Yeah, "Mother of all presentations". Some people say that the few-minute gap in the middle, officially because the cameraman had to change the roll, was in fact the part where social control and microtargeting techniques were first revealed. But that must be fake news, I guess.
Frederik Grøn Schack