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Items tagged with: NonBinary

For so many of us, coming out isn't just about ourselves--it's about the people we love most, and especially our partners.

But we do come out to them, and then the person we love the most is faced with the reality that, "Oh, s#!t, my partner just told me they're trans." What the fuck do I do?!

They deserve support in those tender first moments, and this week, I'm going to try and give them a little with a jumbo edition of #StainedGlassWoman!

#MtF #FtM #Nonbinary #TDoV

An image of hands clasped, with a prismatic rainbow splayed across them. On it is written, "Oh shit, my partner just told me they're trans. What you need to know when your partner got their gender wrong."

'Redundant' is a 2 part music and film project made by 5 non-binary and transgender artists raising awareness to violence against transgender, non-binary and gender diverse people. We respond to the UK government’s blocking of Scotland's gender recognition reform bill and their avoidance of legislating a ban on conversion therapy.

Watch now - 'Redundant':

#nonbinary #trans #transgender
#UK #London #England #art #music #artists #musicians

My current interests are: #accessiblity, #AntiFascism, #identity, #IntersectionalFeminism, #LGBTQ (#trans, #NonBinary), politics, and race and curating posts to help people find information on these.

I also am very pro alt-text, content warnings and other info management tools. For people who dislike bookmarks:
#ThePragmaticCaseForAltText is below.


Guess it's time to do another #introduction
I'm Kieryn Darkwater, yr local #disabled #transmasc #nonbinary pup. My greatest hits include running a #ChildrensRights org and a podcast about #Christofascism (it's bad, folks), and organizing for #housing and #transit in CA. Now I live in Berlin πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ and I want to get back to my roots making various kinds of art and also making more streets #autofrei & accessible

I sometimes stream #StardewValley and #Minecraft on twitch (!

So, let's try and do an #introduction post.

Hello, #fediverse! I'm Fred Eli, both names, love both, use whichever you want.

I'm a #nonbinary person who studied French literature and specialised in #translation (still not have a degree because of depression but I hope I'm gonna make it).
Currently researching nonbinary French and its translation into Spanish.

I love anything to do with #horror, one of my main interests, along with #truecrime, and #crimenovels.

i reformatted a zine i made earlier this year to post it as a thread.

i was frustrated with the language used to describe gender and how limiting it is as a nonbinary/genderqueer person to use language centered around the gender binary. this is what sprung from that frustration:

#zine #trans #gender #queer #nonbinary #genderqueer
cover of a zine titled: Describing Gender Beyond the Binary. ideas for describing gender without the framework of a male-female binary by @frogwatching. there's a red-yellow gradient shape with dots, crosses and dotted lines around it in the upper right corner of the cover.
this zine is a small tool for deconstructing the gender binary. it contains ideas to describe gender that don't rely on the juxtaposition of male and female as opposites on  an axis that all other genders must be positioned around.

it's an invitation to be creative and imaginative with the language around gender.

Today is #NonBinary day and we are still living in a binary world. People try to put us into boxes, where we never fit in. Our identities are questioned every day, on the street, in the supermarket, you name it.

But we have no other choice to be how we are, no matter what. It's not our responsibility for the others to see that. #staystrong
