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WiFi is not the internet, it's a connection to a private internet connection.
But a connection to the private connection of the internet is still the internet isn't it?
Can you all spell "smart ass"? :-P
Well, I was given a hint - but I'm sure I couldn't possibly pronounce it correctly. :p
Reminds me the short essay (or meme) responding to an imaginary teacher who answer "could you please give that to me?" with "yes." (and not doing anything), explaining how ignoring the context and common sense and deliberate misinterpretation leads to tension and frustration.
Still being a smartass:
The context was not ignored, the message received not misinterpreted.
It's just, the sender's expectations were not met.

The sender sent a question and got an answer. That the intention was actually not to get an answer but to have that question interpreted as an actual plea to take action is not necessarily the receiver's fault.

There are human beings on this planet who struggle with such hidden intentions, regardless of their otherwise perfectly normal working "common sense". And it is the message sender's responsibility to adjust its own expectations and transmit intentions such way the receiver actually sees the intention behind the message.

And yes, there are times when my friends and I deliberately interpret such messages with hidden intentions the way they were received - without those intentions - just for the fun of it, and to remind people that they do not know and can not assume if their peer in such a conversation is actually capable of getting the hidden intentions in a question like that.
Maybe my problem was that it wasn’t witty enough. 🤷
Probably, yes.
Fun fact: Shouting "Working WiFi" at me makes me smile - enough so for photographers to get a good-mood-shot of myself.
Mind you, it uses the same linguistic trick as that "Love you more" sign… ;-)