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Interesting, seems #Austria is the first country where search on Google shows more interest in #Rust than #Go if one can trust Trends. Source: - search for Rust (Programming Language) and Go (Programming Language).
A screenshot of the Google Trends page, comparing Rust and Go, showing Austria as the only country with more interest in Rust than Go (slightly more than 50%).
Taking a closer look at Austria directly, it seems Google isn't able to clearly separate between searches for "Rust (Programming Language)" and "Rust, a small village in the Austrian state called Burgenland". Most searches for "Rust" are performed in said state.
😅 Nice research!
That's why you don't want to trust your life to an #AI system *I'm looking at you #Tesla*.
#AI #Tesla
Well, research is an overstatement, it's only educated guesswork. :-)
Wishlist to the #web: link to a page about a topic whenever you talk about it. Sadly, #mastodon is part of the problem here with its stance against user set hyperlinks. @silwol
Republican-Democratic fights :blobaww: