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Thanks to all of you who took part in my poll. So I have made my decision: I will no longer hashtag my art with #HumanArt, #HumanMade or #NoAI.

I've blogged about why this happened:

Thank you for making me change my mind.
#krita #MastoArt
A quick painting of Pepper at home sitting on a chair. Around her, the room is in fire. She looks like she realize something. 

This is a parody of the meme "This is fine", a cartoon with a dog by K.C. Green.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
my god this picture is amazing! Do you sell prints?!
@yuvipanda Hey, thanks! I used to post things on Redbubble, but they reduced so much the percent for artists that I don't have any incentives anymore to take the time to upload and enter the looooong form to add a new product.

So, just grab the high resolution and print it ( on a USB pendrive; in supermarket there is booth to print big photos, or home printer, or color photocopies does a very good work nowadays).
Yeah, as usual the humans are all labeling things wrong.

There is no such thing as AI Art.

There are AI images, but there is no *art* in the images, because art is the product of human emotional connections to the subject, and all there's here is amalgams and machine associations.

Wish they'd just use #aiimage instead of #aiart
Nice thought-provoking post.

Although, I'm not convinced that it's an issue for an AI to use data generated by other AI.

Just use near-slaves in 3rd world countries to to teach your system to generate something a human would expect.
C'est bien intéressant, en particulier sur ton mode de création qui semble passer directement de l'imagination à la réalisation dessinée sans passer par la verbalisation textuelle.
Great post! You're hard work, human touch and meaning is what provides your art value. You will prevail.
I feel this as the right move. Not the easier, but the right one.

It is not to the humans to provide proof of their genuine work, but to the AI generated one to be tagged as.

You have all my support, old friend!
This is how I feel in the summer because of the hot weather.
@Pixel_Lime 🤣

I hope you'll have many fresh days this season!
love this version of the 'this is fine'. My daughter loves your comics
I tried Stable Diffusion and other neural networks to generate some drafts. Of course it is far from perfect, but it is good instrument to look if one or another scene does ever make sense
I want to learn how to draw, but until i can, i have a tool for playing with my thoughts
@me yes, I collected also feedback about how AI image generation might bring more people to digital painting: to learn at first how to fix imperfection on their pictures, then out of frustration to not get the result they want learning how to make them the manual way.
That's a new and interesting entry point to digital art.
completely agree with your choice. Actually creating things is what's normal, it's re-purposing of existing work that should require special attribution.

Thanks for doing your part of keeping the Web human and interesting. I enjoy your work!
... speaking as a creator for 60+ years, most of us create because we must. It isn't rooted in money or fame, or from a request. It is an imperative that sustains our soul and our very human existence.

What we create - "art" included, in every sense of the word - is born from human expression and personal experience. A Spirograph is not an artist because it mimics a human with a pen. A CPU has no form of expression, nor code, nor a pile of gears. Art is not "the process"!
@lumiworx @gumwars

> It is an imperative that sustains our soul and our very human existence.

Oh yes, and it took me time to realize it was a necessity to me for reaching a psychological balance.
Your art looks awesome.

Glad other people are getting tired of the digital == aiart.
I wonder if eventually if AI art consumes to consume its own byproduct, if that will eventually collapase that industry.

I make AI myself, but I very specifically such that it doesnt do web scraping and other unethical things.

So hearing FOSS is doing it gives me reason to hope.
Avec les NFT et l'art IA, il ne fait pas bon d'avoir de l'ambition artistique ces derniers temps. Je vois se profiler un monde où tous les artistes humains auront disparu, où le seul semblant d'art produit ne sera que le résultat sans âme de quelques lignes de code, ce que je qualifierai de dystopie. ça me console un peu d'apprendre que l'art AI se prenne toute cette haine. Bon, ça fait très OK boomer, mais tant pis.
@stemy Oui, je comprends en tout cas si ce contexte décourage certains jeunes artistes, ou les pousse vers l'aquarelle et les techniques traditionnelles. C'est l'informatique tout entier qui risque de se priver de talents.
literally said: :blobcatthisisfinegoogly:

Good art 👍
ty for the blog post, an interesting read. I definitely agree with the problem of consent for data usage, it's an abuse of the privilege of companies with high server-power.

Just a note. You start by saying that you see people mistaking human art for AI, not able to appreciate the effort when it is there.
I believe this misses the issue. I don't think art is something you make to show off effort and skill... We need to move past that. This should resonate with the end of your post.
> not able to appreciate the effort when it is there.

Yes, you are right. It shouldn't be related to effort or skill. But I couldn't refrain to write it, probably the frustration of spending all my hours and years of experience to get my paintings and being compared with someone texting something.

Thanks for the comment.
@ArtfulGenie Hey, thanks for your nice words. Welcome to the Fediverse, I checked your profile/page to try to know more about you but I saw you just joined and you still have to fill up your profile. It will be easier for me to meet you first in this way. Speaking to collaborate or engage in a full conversation is a bit early 😉
> SD is completely free, open source
Yes, but not Free/Libre as GPL (src )

> it turned out that it's forbidden.
it's not, but if you do derivation of my art, you have to keep attribution. I should get credited in this regards legally in all AI images, because my art is part of the dataset. (but I don't want, that would be a nightmare). Also, got already ethical request to train on my art and accepted 😉
> Yes, but not Free/Libre as GPL

It's similar to more permissive licenses, i don't think this is bad.

> I should get credited in this regards legally in all AI images

This is technically possible, pic related.
However, result image isn't even bareilly similar to your drawings, also model contains information about thousands of other artist's drawings, which maybe or maybe not used to produce this shitty example test image...
@lonelyowl Please feel free to publish articles, videos and tutorials about your process if you think your audience needs to be informed about your craft involving AI tools. I might reconsider my words about the simplicity of entering a prompt and hitting enter.

About the ethic, I have no idea what you are asking... what you used precisely? based on what dataset? and what you want to make with it? Also: not my job to comment on that, if you have an ethic, it's your job to communicate them.
I hardly have the patience for full-fledged tutorials or vids, but I think that I could at least do step-by-step processes for creating these pictures.
To be honest, I'm not particularly interested in organizing some ai art-education, I just want to stop being considered a subhuman.

> About the ethic, I have no idea what you are asking... what you used precisely?

The line to the pictures in this post was drawn by hand in procreate and colored by using a controlnet/canny, the model used is camelliamix_line v2 ->
If we ever develop AI this will no longer be an issue. Calling generative neural networks "AI" makes my brain itch.
I will continue supporting you and your art, but, at this point, I don't think there is much anyone can do to stop the AI art. I'm glad you're not stopping
Yes, we will continue to support you!

Thanks for sharing your art with us 😀