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"Slink is gone! Decadence-HG is legal now!1!!"

#opensim never produced own content and to run opensim so that it doesn't look like Pacman and Supermario and people come from #secondlife it needed fullprim from secondlife.Opensim has no skilled people. Yo were come 2 1/2 years ago to opensim, when all mesh content was already there. Would you have stayed, if it looked like old Lego? I doubt it.Get a lot of content developers and builders in opensim who build from the scratch for your Ruth and then we see how successful it is
@The Aether Dragon
sometimes I thought you and copper are the same to get some discussions in opensim and sense in online life. 😃
Sorry but I am not online in Opensim anymore. Was long enough there to see what's going on and learned a lot as dumb blond.
When I came to Opensim I was first impressed and thought there must be all the nerds. But you are all old retro people from pacman times without skills for new technology.
I wish you good luck and be happy in your online world.
Not only 99.5% of what exists in my grid ( #Argentoratum ) is of #OpenSim origin but also everything is created by @kris_elfe or by me (build, mesh, animesh, scripts, textures ...)
and looks like playmobile

J'étais aussi sur la grid d'Hicks
The problem is that it cannot meet the standards even of second life. And second life is already old technology not to compare with other metaverse alternatives
look at #thirdroom from Matrix with Matrix protocol which is used already for messenger by german and french military and thirdroom is already tested by Interpol.

It is open source decentralized metaverse just used with internet browser with 60 fps for every cheap computer to use. If you want the VRM Avi with such quality of skin just alone you will have complexity of 2 Mio in firestorm. Much too much for Firestorm using. Graphic card would need 250 Watt
The era of openGL is over. It is still the same technology since world com in the 90s. If secondlife wants to survive and with SL also opensim then it needs to build completely new metaverse from the scratch.
@The Aether Dragon My instance isn't even on #Mastodon. It's on #Hubzilla (#^ which doesn't really have a post length limit. And if it does have one, it must have five digits or so.
#Hubzilla is definitely the instance #buzzword right now.

I'll make that my next signup. I want to learn how these alternative #fediverse apps work.
Hubzilla ... installed myself a copy today. Can't seem to find out how to federate to Advice is hard to find.
@jayrope #ActivityPub is optional on #Hubzilla, it requires an app which AFAIK is called "ActivityPub Protocol" now.

I'm not sure if it comes with the standard installation, or if it has to be installed separately. It has been a while since I've run my own instance.
Terrific, thanks so much! That app solved my connection problems!