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@alex As you look at this, try not to be angry, LOL, "Copying is an act of love. Please copy and share." So, I got this idea... In a way, it's creating a "front porch" for a node, that tells a narrative in the positions most popular on that node...
Cool. :) Keep us updated.
It's going to be slow moving, I have no fucking clue what I'm doing.
They said "learn to code" and this old coyote CAN learning a new trick. Seriously though, Now, yarn, what the fuck is yarn, isn't yarn for cats, not coyotes?
Node.js, I already regret this... LOL. Can I learn Klingon or Latin instead?
Soapbox FE is a fork of Mastodon’s FE, which is built with React by Facebook, and so on and so forth. We’re all standing on the shoulders of giants.

When I was first getting started hacking on Mastodon’s FE, I read this book on React and it was helpful. Took me about 2 days to read it completely and mostly understand it:

The author has a free online tutorial which covers pretty much everything in the book. Even better. I’d start here:
I always thought #Soapbox was a fork of #Gab 2.0 (I think they must be on like 3.0 or 4.0 by now lol), which was a fork of #Mastodon
It is, but realistically 90% of the code was built by Mastodon. Gab just changed the layout of it.
"Gab just changed the layout of it."

See, that's all DopeBox needs to be, is a new layout, based on search/popularity/trending things, with a poll based logic tree to string together a narrative for "intelligent navigation" of posts by related logical content.

In the grand scheme, seems trivial. To me personally, it's like wholly-damn batman, what's this about Java Script?
I think I'm just talking about running the right sql queries, and generating an output page, when I really start thinking about it. It's just straight up, doesn't need to fork something big, maybe even from scratch would work best?
I think if you want any chance of success, you have to start with what you have, and make small changes to it, iterating until it gets closer and closer to what you want. This is something I struggle with. Don’t reinvent anything. Figure out smart ways to use the least time/energy for the highest level of output.
LOL, history! Yay! I'm already just trying to wrap my head around the "Developing against a live backend" part to see if I can get that running as I try to figure out how to install the soapbox/dopebox repo pull on my instance... and, thinking about lunch a lot.
Soapbox on drugs, I assume