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I just learned today that I've contracted #COVID-19, just mere days after wishing Trump died from it. This news made me reflect on my behavior, and I'm now convinced I should have wished him dead harder because the little I did obviously didn't work.

reshared this

Remember to spit on things your right wing neighbors commonly handle...
My diseaseful spite is only for Trump.
oh no

here's hoping it's mild for you
Holy shit. I'm sorry, Hypolite.

My fingers are crossed for you. Hang in there.
Take care, keep isolated!
Good luck and get well soon!
I don't wish you dead, but I do hope you learn from the experience, obviously you haven't yet. I also wish, since you obviously hate this country, that you go back
to France.

grin doesn't like this.

I, unfortunately, see this as you are on my team, or you are my enemy. You've heard Trump say it too. A country of immigrants(we are all immigrants if we go back max 300-400 years, lest we forget) will have different ways of looking at things. Was the Trump family from the USA? No. None of us were, except the native indians, which we have never treated with respect after they taught us how to survive in the harsh climate of New England.

I am from the states, and I strongly dislike Trumps ways. But, where are you going to ship me back to?? The USA where I am from?
Back to England or Holland, depending on your genes. :-)

Some people in the US shall be shipped back to Spain, Chad or to the nearest zoo. I support kicking out all immigrants and hand it back to the indians. Maybe some whites may be kept in reservations, to show them to the kids. :upside-down face
To be fair, you aren't wrong, I hate this country. But I hate it as much as every other because I hate the concept of borders and countries. France isn't better in that regard. I like to say that I moved to New York City because I wasn't attracted to this country specifically, but the city itself proved way more livable than Paris for me.

Now don't get me wrong, for me Paris is the most beautiful city in the world, but because of that it isn't meant to be comfortably lived in.

Now I have no idea what I could actually learn from catching COVID. Unlike Trump, I've been isolating since March and wearing a mask every time I've left my house, minimized contacts with other people, including my friends, and yet we both caught it. There's no lesson here, no morals, it's a virus, not a divine punishment.
Well I'm hoping you might learn to have a tiny smiggin' of empathy for those who have had it.
Oh I already had that empathy. It's just him. He didn't get any more empathetic towards anyone, so why should I towards him? I'm just following the leader here.
You know he owns a stake in the company that made the polyclonal antibodies that made him well. Did you hear him say that he was going to make it available free to people who were hospitalized with covid-19 so they could feel better? Sounded pretty damned empathetic to me. Don't count on Gates or Fauci every make anything free, hell Gates wouldn't piss on your face if it were on fire without charging you.
I do not trust this untested drug, and Trump has been telling so many blatant lies that I can't trust anything he claims even again either. He's already done harm on a massive scale, nothing that he will say or do from now on will ever bring the people who died from COVID because he didn't set personally a responsible example, even before getting into how well his administration handled the pandemic.
Ha ha. First he's lying as usual. Second if he's not he means free as in the taxpayers will buy it at an insane price and then give it "for free" while the company makes record profits that go to his pocket. Yeah real empathetic. Third he'll take away benefits so you'll still be on the hook for the hundreds of thousands hospital bill.
As far as hating the idea of borders. I'm on a wall here. On one hand, I don't like the idea of being trapped in my country, but on the other, I don't want people who would harvest and sell the organs of living humans because they don't like their religious beliefs, aka, China, coming here. Without borders how do you contain this kind of behavior? And surely, world wide we could never ever agree on things like sexual norms. So as much as I don't like being restricted in my ability to travel, I understand the need.
Well seeing that you and I are currently trapped in a country with people who would fabricate a story about weapons of mass destruction to justify bombing a country, invading it and killing its ruler, I'd say borders are pretty much irrelevant in that regard.

Also no borders doesn't mean having a single culture worldwide. Even now individual countries are composed of multiple cultures. And in some cases like the Kurds, borders are actively preventing them to form a cohesive geographical structure and they have been facing persecution in all the countries they are divided between. So I still believe we can have local cultures with specific sexual norms without borders.
Yes but it does mean a single set of laws world wide dictated by the dominant culture and I can't possibly see that as a good thing. It means no place to escape to if the government totally sucks.
Not necessarily, the US has federal, state and city laws applicable depending where you live. If you remove city laws you would still have state and city laws. If you remove state you would still have city laws.
All the best for you and yours @Hypolite Petovan crossing my fingers for a mild progression and no leftovers in the aftermath.
I'm crossing my fingers that it goes away without symptoms.
Anybody who would wish death on a President of a country, particularly just before an election when the only alternative is demented, and wish socialism on it, hates this country.
Nay. I wish bad things to the prime minister ("King") in my country and it has nothing to do with my feelings about the country.

I believe Trump is not a President, he is someone bought a president title by befrauding others. A common criminal, and not even faking being a president - he never acted like a real one.
I'm also crossing Michael's and Christian's fingers for the same. :-)
Some president is not the country. Also even if a president is unable to rule that country than there is a vice president.
And please don't use the word "socialism" without being informed what it really stands for. People in the US tend to classify things as "socialism" that are regular stuff in other countries that partly are ruled by conservative governments as well.
I hope you'll get better soon! Please let us now how you are every now and then...
@KAOS At the moment I'm fine. I'm not great but I can work which relieves some of the worry about this situation.
The President is the duly elected President. He is what the people
chose. If you hate what the people chose to lead their country, you
hate their country. I'm well aware of what socialism stands for, the Bolsheviks gave us an example, Marx, Lenin, Pol Pot, etc, keep it for your country, we don't need it here. You want harvesting of organs while you're still alive, go to China, we don't need that kind of shit here. Don't redefine words to try to make it sound appealing. It has no appeal to anyone familiar with history. I realize kids these days are only taught butt-sex in school and not history but you can still avail yourself to libraries or even the Internet if you learn how to use a non-fuxored search engine like
This entry was edited (4 years ago)
You like a country not because of the president or government. You like a country because of people you share your life with. You like a country for its beauty and/or special appeal. Governments change over time. And BTW: that person was elected by less than half of the voters, so the majority of people are not backing him.
Your president was not chosen by all the people in the United States, and they haven't chosen you to represent their opinion. In fact it seems lot of them possess the opposite opinion what you voice here. I would risk saying even that they're the majority and you are not.

As for socialism I am glad that we have successfully cleared that question: you clearly have only vague ideas about what socialsm is, and have really hard time to distinguish it from other ideas like communism, autoritanism, fascism and like. Also you seem to have no idea about a pretty large amount of World existing outside your fence, talking about buttsex and history you seem to have been sorely ignorant of (history, not necessarily buttsex).

I guess slavery seems to be a fine idea to you, as well as firearms (or war in gerneral), probably drugs and beating women. Sorry if I would have misjudged you based on your stereotypical behaviour.

However "debating" you is like preaching Jesus to a dog. You do not seem to care what others are saying. I guess I stop wasting our time.

Regardless I wish you a nice day.
A dislike for the preident is a dislike for the people? One does not equal the other, regardless what country you are in. The US is not special in that respect.

What I think is funny is I know many Americans who point north to Canada and bad mouth their "socialist" ways. Beyond health care for all(is this a bad thing? Not for the general population and the work for force who can get the needed care and get back to work), Canada is a capitalistic society.

Most people, me included, have a poor understanding of the political ideologies. I have to look it up recently when a friend asked me how socialist Canada was doing. I looked it up, and shared various resources with him showing Canada vs other true socialist countries. He never wrote back...
@Hypolite Petovan Wishing you strength and a speedy recovery!

Let us know how we can help, if possible. Take care and get well soon.
Because without his utter incompetence if you live in the US you probably wouldn't have had it in the first place. Well wishes. We need people like you.
And if you like those people you share your life with then it follows you will respect their decision with regards to who they elect for President and not elevate yourself above the wishes of the whole, no?
Btw, I also hate this asshole of a president, but I love most Americans. ^ ^ I know where to draw a line here. ^ ^
And I actually don't want Trump to die before the election, because that would lead to a legally complicated situation. However, I wish with all my heart that he will suffer badly, because he really deserves it. >:P
@KAOS Trump wants to make the medicines that helped him available for others for free, wants to alleviate their suffering and yet you wish this on him, I don't see him as the one the deserves suffering.
Considering a good amount of what Trump says does not have a grain of truth to it, It is hard to believe that this statement is any different. I'd not hold my breath since I'd likely die of suffocation...
The existence of the electoral college makes it so that the wishes of the US "whole" are willfully laundered through only 538 electors. Because of this, depending on your state of residence, your vote will count more or less towards a presidential election, which further defeats the "whole" you are talking about.

As a result, two American presidents in recent history (two Republicans, not sure it's just a coincidence) got elected without winning the popular vote. The last election was even the most egregious in terms of difference between the popular vote result and the electoral college result (let's ignore the XIXth century).

So Trump won the election, but it really doesn't translate to "the wishes of the whole" when we specifically talk about the American people.
The electoral college does give rural citizens a slight advantage in terms of representation, not nearly as severe as Japans prefecture system, but an advantage none the less. It does seem to run in the face of the idea that all men are created equal though I guess it doesn't logically follow that being created equally means being represented equally.

Just the same it is part of our countries decision making process and if you respect the people you have to respect this, though it is to be sure one of the most controversial aspects of our electoral system.
This entry was edited (4 years ago)
Ach! I hope 🤞 it’ll be mild and won’t affect you too much! 🤗🙏
No, respect is earned, not due for whatever reason. I have no particular respect for the US founding fathers for example. I know and I understand the pressure they faced from slave states to give them more political power in spite of their much lower voting population at the time, and this means that the US constitution is a product of its time as well, it isn't sacred nor universal or eternal, and it should be regularly revised to reflect the inevitable changes in the country it sets the government form for.
It's not inconsistent with anything else I've seen from real sources as opposed to say Communist News Network.
I think that would give third parties more of a chance.
The most controversial part is the "first-past-the-post"-voting.
It's better to vote in a second round if no candidate gets a majority.
Funny, after reading this, it made me rethink the constitution.

It was applicable for the times, but every aspect fo life has changed since then, (like it was always going to). It does need to be rethought on a regular basis kind of like any company has to reassess its needed and market, because peoples ways change over time, and should our great grand kids be stuck with laws frozen in time that are no longer applicable?
This is what France uses, if I recall correctly. Do other countries use it? I like this because the first round lets you choose what you really want. The second round, you choose strtegically if your candidate did not win,.

Canada was supposed to rethink that first past the post. It was going to be a proportional vote. But, there are many varieties to choose from. It was barely looked at before it was dropped:( I think that they expected a 6 month project. This is a multi-year project learning what each are, having various public forms and discussions across the country with women, men, people of various ages, backgrounds and ethnicities.

A major undertaking. Important to be done right, as the potential consequences are huge.
This is what France has, and it allows for a single third party. I’d much rather have a proportional system like in Germany where at least four parties are competitive and must form coalitions to govern, if I understood correctly.
And yet Germany is rather draconian with respect to free speech so maybe the outcome wasn't so good?
Oh Constitution amendment interpretations have evolved, the most egregious example is of course the 2nd Amendment that went from "well-regulated armed militias to stop a tyrannical federal government" to "anyone can own a gun to defend their house from their black neighbors".
or white neighbors, which comprise about 99% of BLM burning down everything.
BTW: This is called "derailing". The talk was about election systems, not about rules for free speech.

In difference to France or the US, Germany is not a presidential democracy. The chancellor is elected by the members of the parliament. And the job of a chancellor is more being a moderator and the voice of the government. The secretaries of the different ministries are the one with the power.

The election system allows for smaller parties to influence politics as well. The US system is more a binary one. It is this: "if you aren't with us, then you automatically belong to the other ones and are against us.".

Currently the German parliament consists of:
  • A left party ("Die Linken")
  • A green party ("Die Grünen")
  • The social democrats (SPD)
  • A conservative party (CDU/CSU)
  • A libertarian party (FDP)
  • A right wind party (AFD)
Well I'm not going to put a label on it but none of these things exist in isolation.
There are probably several hundred political parties in the United States, but the odds of anybody other than Democrat or Republican getting elected are near zero.

Since our system is such that if your initial vote isn't a winner you don't get a 2nd chance to pick someone else, a vote for one of the minor parties is usually a vote thrown away.

Consequently most times people don't vote for minor parties, so there is a positive feedback loop that exists there.

Myself, if I don't feel the stakes are particularly high, then I will often vote for a third party because it's my personal belief that voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil.

But in the case of Hillary Clinton, she was too evil for me to not vote for the lesser evil that had a credible chance at defeating her. And honestly, Trump has vastly exceeded my expectations, enough so that I will vote for him again.
This entry was edited (4 years ago)
And a fourth, and a fifth (there are 7 in the Assemblée nationale )
But about the proportional system: the proportional system shifts a lot of power to the political parties. In the Netherlands some people are elected with 250 votes(one seat needs 70000 votes) because they are in the right political party.
Most countries do, except the English speaking ones.
And in the UK, the third party, proposed to do all the rounds in one go (number your candidates, and if your number 1 doesn't make it, your votes goes to number 2).
There was a referendum, and the two mayor parties blocked it.

Most of countries with proportional representation don't elect the president, or government: the citizens elect parliament, and parliament constructs a government. That's why Belgium didn't have a government for almost 2 years (the old government keeps working, but it's "demissionair").
I would argue that none of the French parties really matter beyond the 3 main ones. There are more than two political parties in the US as well, but they don't matter on a national level.
But they are represented at national level. It's true, a small pary will be outvoted most of the time. But representation creates possibilities: submitting proposals, setting agenda, checking the government.
sent you a PM please let me know if you did not get it.
I just received both your PM and a whole host of your replies on my posts. Welcome back to your node!
Very strange delay on this post "3 months ago (Received 3 hours ago) • "

So glad you are still with us Hypolite!
I’ve also received a bunch of comments from 3 months ago 3 hours ago as well. I don’t know what happened, but the floodgates have finally opened!
lol, oh dear, funny to get a 3 month old post like this, and then, before I've read through all that you've said I'm thinking "I'm pretty sure I mentioned well wishes to him in a related post", and then just about spit-take as I hit your punch line. .. At least, it reads as a punch line with the distracting mental activity.

Did you wind up recovering alright, @Hypolite Petovan ?
Yes, thank you, I did not have severe symptoms in the first place and I made what I believe is a full recovery.