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If we can fit about 10-100K people on a Mastodon server,

and we've got 38M Canadians,

then we're going to need 400 to 4000 Canadian servers.

Let's start building them.

TBH I think the upper bound for a Mastodon server should not be "how many people can the server handle" but "how many people can the admins and mods handle". And if that's only 1000, 100, or 5, that's fine.

I've seen a lot of servers with growing pains, and it's not a technical issue, it's social—taking on users en masse without the resources to vet, moderate, and support them.
YES. There's a "social" part of "social media." It's easier to manage a single smaller instance, plus it is less likely to be reduced to the lowest common denominator of its members. And with Mastodon, anyone else can freely (and rightfully) block your whole instance if it harbours any number of bad actors.
As always, my playbook is @darius's
thanks. I actually have some experience setting up and running social sites, but I love reading Darius's words. And it's great to revisit with fresh eyes.
@Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦 Evan has quid a bit different ideas to set up communities than @Darius Kazemi
"If we can fit about 10-100K people on a Mastodon server,"

that seams to me a NO GO - jut to much
it's a napkin estimate for setting lower bounds on the number of sites in Canada.

If typical sites are 100 or 1000 people, that means we'll need 40K to 400K sites for all Canadians.

It's a lot!
@Evan Prodromou
"10-100K people on a Mastodon server"

the vision of the Fediverse is something different i thought -

It is more about this here:

Your businesses plans could also go more in this direction - Find ways so that every home has such kind of a box and that it can be operated easy
maybe *your* business plans should go in that direction!

I'm not doing business plans. I've got a full time job already.

I'm just trying to set up co-op hosting so we can handle the #TwitterMigration as it comes in.
also, I don't need a lecture on the vision of the fediverse.

I think we're probably done with this conversation.
Is there an advantage to keeping the Canadian userbase separate from the rest of the English-speaking world?
the main one is that membership in a Canadian co-operative is simpler if you're a resident Canadian.
@Evan Prodromou why you are using ?? O boy, and we thought is is all about sovereignty
do you have a quick Free and Open Source form builder you'd recommend?
We've already started
name has a bit of a CounterSocial vibe but I'll get over it.

Congratulations and really interested to see how it goes wrt the structure of the owning entity and how that's bound to the interest of the users/owners/subscribers
you were doing it before doing it was cool (again)
You can use subdomain.
nice 👍

„local servers per city or neighbourhood, but membership is national“
Do you already know how this can be pulled off? I’m kinda working on the same problem…
I don't understand what you mean. Socially? Legally? Technically?
technically. My assumption was:
National membership is required to join local instance
If so, it sounds to me like there needs to be a nationwide auth server?
sure, eventually. I think our plan is to have admin-authorized registration and have the mods check a database before approving the signup