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Kiwi Farms is a murderous community that gets away with it because of the benefit of the doubt since there aren't any "physical" interactions between Kiwi Farms users and their victims. But the damage they do is real. On the #Fediverse you can block the domain but I'm afraid there is little that can be done to thwart them beyond that.

Seems like the famous Byuu/Near who developed bsnes/higan (the best SNES emulators) has committed suicide. Very sad. #linux #linuxgaming #emulation #supernes #nintendo #byuu #near

QT marcan42: A message about Near from a mutual friend.

chava doesn't like this.

I'm not clear though on how they were involved in this situation. What kind of dirt did they spread about Near?
It doesn't even matter. Harassment isn't like blackmail, the things you are harassed about don't need to be true, it just has to be inconvenient. For example, if hundreds of people call you at every hour of the day and the night to say "We know what you did", you don't even need to have done anything wrong, the harassment itself can still get to you.

The document states that Near was able to withstand the harassment targeted at themselves, but that it became harder for them once Kiwi Farms targeted their friends. They isolated them from their friends, and that apparently was enough to push them over the edge, as it would for many people.

I don't believe this was about anything specific.
@Hypolite Petovan Do you mind if I ask if you know what the relationship between and is? Is the pleroma instance trying to copy the commercial forum?
As far as I'm concerned, I believe they're run by the same entity, even if I have no direct evidence of it, possibly for a different purpose than the main forum. The Pleroma instance seems like your typical run-of-the-mill alt-right instance festering with racist conspiracy theorists.
Apparently this is the thread about him
Thanks for your thoughts. They certainly both seem to have anti-social goals, if nothing else.

I wonder how long it will take laws (pretty much anywhere) to catch up with this sort of thing. I don't believe it should be allowed to exist unfettered.
It can never arrive. 4chan and Kiwi Farms never targeted anyone prominent enough to prompt legislative action. Until this happens, and I believe both these communities are cunning enough to be careful about their target, it’s a touchy free speech issue that no lawmaker will get anywhere near.