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For #twitter refugees: the _worst_ thing in #mastodon (activitypub): there are **no global messages**. You cannot see global trends, tags, cannot search, can't discover random people easily. The server you pick determines the view you see.
This seems to overstate the deficiency. Many servers have healthy amounts of interactions with others, creating a robust federated timeline and broader results on hashtags.

As far as finding people based on interests, several accounts have started making boards and @FediFollows also aggregates people.
@PhilPhorward@FediFollows I've been here around for a few years I believe and so far I haven't observed what you are suggesting. My server (with a handful of users) doesn't see, can't #search and cannot tell #trends, nor anything else. What you say would work if everyone would use the same server, or, in other words, if #mastodon was centralised.
Worth digging into, but I believe this may be a function of who the people on your server follow. Obviously your server isn't blocked from the biggest Masto server as I was able to see you come in via hashtag.
@PhilPhorward I am still pondering about why would you even think about my server being blocked... 🙄
@PhilPhorward@FediFollows Also most of the #server #lookup services are b0rked or unusable, so it's not easy to find a new home for a new user, and have a high chance to end up on an unreliable or otherwise problematic server.
@FediFollows@homegrown It definitely could use some solutions. Luckily, I trust this community to come up with some.
@PhilPhorward@FediFollows@homegrown lucky for you. I've been observing the degradation of information sources for a while now, so I hope someone can show me some points for #newcomer-s to start from.