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As I was investigating why our server has seen a decrease in new user sign-ups, I noticed the website now lists servers with ‘Instant’ sign-ups as a priority over those with manual signups.

They used to list ‘All’ by default - displaying our server under the Gaming category upon first look for new users. Now it’s hidden.

By actively reducing the visibility of servers who require sign-ups , it’s hurting the Fedi as a whole by creating large centralized servers.

This entry was edited (2 years ago)
This decision will likely force our instance to allow instant account creation in order to have any discoverability come from the Mastodon website. It will cause more unnecessary work for our mods in having to weed out bot accounts *after* creation, and does not allow us to curate our community the way we intend.

All I can say is this: If you like and want to see it continue to grow, please share our instance with those you know looking for a home on Mastodon. Thanks.
I also want to state: this decision from the website makes ZERO instances show up when a user selects the ‘LGBTQ+’ category. ZERO.

We all know these instances require manual sign-ups to prevent trolls and hate accounts from being created.

This decision is terrible.

Please Boost :boost_ok: this thread for visibility!!

#Mastodon #LGBTQ #MastoAdmin

This entry was edited (2 years ago)