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I am really pleased with this photo. Straight off the camera and it looks SO WEIRD. So many questions. Why such a HUGE arched bridge over what appears to be such a small distance? Why only one solitary pedestrian using it? Where are they going? Where have they been?

I love it.

#photography #Scotland #bridge

A landscape photo of a wide road bridge (two lanes of road and a pedestrian path each side) in a high arch, taken looking up the steep slope. It is surrounded by green trees, with no sight of what it is crossing, but there is a large stretch of water beyond the land. On the right are two small white buildings, half hidden by trees. There is a single figure walking down the steep slope towards us. They carry a large, light blue bag. The rest of the bridge is empty.

@eclectech Reminds me of a very French joke:

The Belgian Prime Minister approaches the French President:
- The French have been making fun of the Belgian for a long time, and we would like to have something we can make fun of the French for. Like building a bridge in the middle of nowhere?
- Of course, I’d be happy to oblige.

The bridge gets built in a flat plain, the Belgian have a field day making fun of it for a couple weeks, and the Prime Minister comes back to the President:
- Thank you so much, we’ve had our fun, now you can tear down the bridge.
- I’m afraid I can’t, Belgian fishermen have set up on it.