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Wait, what?… you don’t mean that your all-important secret for your Small Web site is going to be… A STRING OF EMOJI?!*

(Why yes, yes it is…) :awesome:

* Or, if you want to take all the fun out of it, a base256 encoding of your ed25519 private key that is purposefully impractical to write down somewhere or type in so you’ll be forced to practice good security hygiene and store it in your password manager.

#design #security #privacy #cryptography #kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech
Screenshot of Kitten running an app at ~/sandbox/kitten-auth-test-1 (git main branch, 62 changes). Alongside the normal output there is a highlighted box labelled IMPORTANT! that reads: “This line of emoji is your secret <line of emoji follows> It will not be shown again. Please save your secret in your password manager.”
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@Aral Balkan I see you're intentionally discriminating against users of Windows which notoriously implements Emojis at a slower pace than other OSes!