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I was really impressed with Gab’s frontend in 2019. Seeing it compared to Soapbox now makes me feel pretty damn good. It’s like beating a man’s ass with his own stick.
That circle profile thingy reminds me of the one that’s in #TruthSocial and pops in on the timeline when using #Soapbox with #Mastodon
@realcaseyrollinsIts name is “Avatar Carousel”.

We could do it in Rebased fairly easily, but I’m not sure that users want it.
It looks nice, but without a good recommendation system to power it, I’m not sure how practical it’d be.

BTW, in #Mastodon, it sorta shows up semi randomly in the timeline, rather than at the top like it does in #TruthSocial. Is that the intended result?
@realcaseyrollinsThat’s a different feature - suggestions in the feed.

The carousel actually filters the feed, while suggestions just take you to the user’s profile (and get dismissed if you follow them).
Thanks, Alex. You've done great work. Merry Christmas.