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A digital painting of a character design: a female character stylised as in JRPG of the end 90s. She has a golden shield carved, a golden metallic staff with a rubis that also has a blade like an axe. She wears many gears and her clothes are large and themed around a tangerine color, leather, white linen and red.

License: Creative Commons Attribution.

Wow, that’s awesome! I didn’t know #Krita could do this!

Does this also work with scanned pencil drawings?
#freesoftware #art

@ArneBab Hey, thank you! Yes, it can work in theory. I saw the other day a new generation of pencil: the 'mate' or 'black' (Staedler and Faber Castel) that behaves a bit like colored black pencils, and in general less shiny and metallic than usual pencils. If I see them on my artshop at next visit, I'll try them, because I'm curious also about trying to tone greyscale on my sketchbook as a softer alternative to what I do with ballpen right now but usual pencil shines a bit too much for me.

I have 6 of those Faber Castell matte here,, but I didn’t yet test the difference side-by-side.

I can test them and scan the result if it helps you ☺

Or do you need a photo (I could take a rough photo with the webcam)?

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
@ArneBab Oh nice you have them, so yes maybe you can enlight me about something: do they smudge easily? It's for a problem of sketchbook; my 2B pencil drawing often transfert easily on the other side of the paper when I close the sketchbook. I know I can spray fixative, but I often don't have the spray while traveling. I'm looking for dark pencils that don't transfert (and no problem if they can't erase well).
Firstoff: the erasing works ☺ (I love these squidgeable rubbers: — I can simply prod the drawing repeatedly to take away part of the line)

For smudging: I just tried rubbing the sheets together and didn’t see any smudging, but I think I didn’t put on enough to actually see that. I’ll try making it darker …

here’s a first test without smudging and without any postprocessing.

drawing of a face with different pencils (normal hb, with mine 2B, matte 2B, 6B, 12B)

Here’s an adjusted version with a line erased into the eyes and aggressive smudging with the finger over the mouth (left is the normal pencil, right is the matte, I do not see a significant difference …) and three hash-tests: 12B, 6B, 2B, all three smudged for about 2 seconds with the finger (I only see smudging for the 12B, the others seem clean).

I rubbed the two sheets again, but still don’t see anything transfer to the other side.

the pencil-drawing of the face again, with some erasing and smudging as described.
This entry was edited (7 months ago)

The left eye is with a normal HB pencil, the right eye with a 2B matte (but not sharpened …), the left part of the mouth with a 2B mechanical pencil (0.5), the right part of the mouth with a 2B matte pencil (but sharpened), the whole nose is with 6B, the chin and below is with 12B matte.

Is there another specific test you’d need?

pencil drawing again
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
@ArneBab Oh thanks! 😍 That's perfect, thank you for the time you took doing that. Super interesting to see the smudge tests and the erasing. I think I'll get them on a online artshop this evening so I can play with them later next week. 😊
I just bought the ones I used from the creators:
@ArneBab ... and I just bought them 😀 I should receive them at the end of next week, I'll try to post sketches done with them before the end of the month.
I hope they work well for you!
@ArneBab I received them yesterday afternoon (that was quick!). I love them, it's really like the "pierre noire" I'm using in signing session and a bit like colored black pencil but a little bit less waxy. Very smooth on bristol paper and cool variation of grayscale in the line. Defintely adopted! Thank you again for the tests and recommendation. 👍
Photo of a sketch of Mastodon's mascot and Pleroma-tan with brooms, cleaning the place. Pencil: FaberCastell Mate, 2B. Bristol paper.
very cool! I’m glad my little test helped you!
I don't know why I watch your videos as I'm not an artist. I guess I just started to like the "journey" of art more than I do the destination during the last year. Amazing video and great art as always.
Such an amazing tutorial! I set the key shortcuts up in my Xencelab Quickkeys (Works on Fedora perfectly) and it works like a dream! it's like sculpting but for 2D
@deathbunnygirl Thanks! Oh, I'm curious about something about Xencelabs; do you need a proprietary driver on Fedora for the tablet or the remote Quickkey? I had an email last year from them for a review/video but as usual I say I'll test hardware with FLOSS only, and they had no idea if it could work (and I couldn't know more, because those who send email are marketing departement, they rarely know anything tech about their products... )
@glutfuchs Thank you. I haven't checked the comment on ytb this morning but so far the name are:
- Estelle
- Lyra
@andre Hey thanks! The only subtitles are the autogenerated one by the Youtube AI. I had a quick check, they are ok. Unfortunately, impossible to download them as *.srt file to tweak them and propose them for translation.
In the past, I tried the Kdenlive module that could also convert voice to subtitle. It worked ok, but required a lot of postprocessing ( eg. 2h of typing and fixing). Unfortunately, it was too long and tedious to do, so I decided at my scale to stop making them. :/
@andre I'll have a look! Thanks for the links. 👍

@glutfuchs Noted! Thanks.

About the recent ones:
- Pandora
- Elsa

Great tutorial and magnificent technique

--- Name Challenger ---
(It's hard but I'm trying)

Young warrior (pride and strength), shield (tank), dressed in the colors of the sun.

Lionelle => courage and strength (image of the lion);
Eileen = > slender of the sun;
Claire => shiny, luminous, shining.

@Th3s3us Lionnelle is a very good one. :blobaww: 🦁
Thanks for the list! I'll try to make a follow-up video in a couple of weeks with the result I'll pick.