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I just posted a new video tutorial!
Grayscale to Color - Krita Digital Painting - Character design

- Ytb:
- Ptb:
- Src:
:cc: :ccby:

#krita #ArtWithOpenSource #FediArt #tutorial #rpg #characterDesign

A digital painting of a character design: a female character stylised as in JRPG of the end 90s. She has a golden shield carved, a golden metallic staff with a rubis that also has a blade like an axe. She wears many gears and her clothes are large and themed around a tangerine color, leather, white linen and red.

License: Creative Commons Attribution.

Wow, thatā€™s awesome! I didnā€™t know #Krita could do this!

Does this also work with scanned pencil drawings?
#freesoftware #art

@ArneBab Hey, thank you! Yes, it can work in theory. I saw the other day a new generation of pencil: the 'mate' or 'black' (Staedler and Faber Castel) that behaves a bit like colored black pencils, and in general less shiny and metallic than usual pencils. If I see them on my artshop at next visit, I'll try them, because I'm curious also about trying to tone greyscale on my sketchbook as a softer alternative to what I do with ballpen right now but usual pencil shines a bit too much for me.

I have 6 of those Faber Castell matte here,, but I didnā€™t yet test the difference side-by-side.

I can test them and scan the result if it helps you ā˜ŗ

Or do you need a photo (I could take a rough photo with the webcam)?

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@ArneBab Oh nice you have them, so yes maybe you can enlight me about something: do they smudge easily? It's for a problem of sketchbook; my 2B pencil drawing often transfert easily on the other side of the paper when I close the sketchbook. I know I can spray fixative, but I often don't have the spray while traveling. I'm looking for dark pencils that don't transfert (and no problem if they can't erase well).
Firstoff: the erasing works ā˜ŗ (I love these squidgeable rubbers: ā€” I can simply prod the drawing repeatedly to take away part of the line)

For smudging: I just tried rubbing the sheets together and didnā€™t see any smudging, but I think I didnā€™t put on enough to actually see that. Iā€™ll try making it darker ā€¦

hereā€™s a first test without smudging and without any postprocessing.

drawing of a face with different pencils (normal hb, with mine 2B, matte 2B, 6B, 12B)

Hereā€™s an adjusted version with a line erased into the eyes and aggressive smudging with the finger over the mouth (left is the normal pencil, right is the matte, I do not see a significant difference ā€¦) and three hash-tests: 12B, 6B, 2B, all three smudged for about 2 seconds with the finger (I only see smudging for the 12B, the others seem clean).

I rubbed the two sheets again, but still donā€™t see anything transfer to the other side.

the pencil-drawing of the face again, with some erasing and smudging as described.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

The left eye is with a normal HB pencil, the right eye with a 2B matte (but not sharpened ā€¦), the left part of the mouth with a 2B mechanical pencil (0.5), the right part of the mouth with a 2B matte pencil (but sharpened), the whole nose is with 6B, the chin and below is with 12B matte.

Is there another specific test youā€™d need?

pencil drawing again
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@ArneBab Oh thanks! šŸ˜ That's perfect, thank you for the time you took doing that. Super interesting to see the smudge tests and the erasing. I think I'll get them on a online artshop this evening so I can play with them later next week. šŸ˜Š
I just bought the ones I used from the creators:
@ArneBab ... and I just bought them šŸ˜€ I should receive them at the end of next week, I'll try to post sketches done with them before the end of the month.
I hope they work well for you!
@ArneBab I received them yesterday afternoon (that was quick!). I love them, it's really like the "pierre noire" I'm using in signing session and a bit like colored black pencil but a little bit less waxy. Very smooth on bristol paper and cool variation of grayscale in the line. Defintely adopted! Thank you again for the tests and recommendation. šŸ‘
Photo of a sketch of Mastodon's mascot and Pleroma-tan with brooms, cleaning the place. Pencil: FaberCastell Mate, 2B. Bristol paper.
very cool! Iā€™m glad my little test helped you!
I don't know why I watch your videos as I'm not an artist. I guess I just started to like the "journey" of art more than I do the destination during the last year. Amazing video and great art as always.
Such an amazing tutorial! I set the key shortcuts up in my Xencelab Quickkeys (Works on Fedora perfectly) and it works like a dream! it's like sculpting but for 2D
@deathbunnygirl Thanks! Oh, I'm curious about something about Xencelabs; do you need a proprietary driver on Fedora for the tablet or the remote Quickkey? I had an email last year from them for a review/video but as usual I say I'll test hardware with FLOSS only, and they had no idea if it could work (and I couldn't know more, because those who send email are marketing departement, they rarely know anything tech about their products... )
@glutfuchs Thank you. I haven't checked the comment on ytb this morning but so far the name are:
- Estelle
- Lyra
@andre Hey thanks! The only subtitles are the autogenerated one by the Youtube AI. I had a quick check, they are ok. Unfortunately, impossible to download them as *.srt file to tweak them and propose them for translation.
In the past, I tried the Kdenlive module that could also convert voice to subtitle. It worked ok, but required a lot of postprocessing ( eg. 2h of typing and fixing). Unfortunately, it was too long and tedious to do, so I decided at my scale to stop making them. :/
@andre I'll have a look! Thanks for the links. šŸ‘

@glutfuchs Noted! Thanks.

About the recent ones:
- Pandora
- Elsa

Great tutorial and magnificent technique

--- Name Challenger ---
(It's hard but I'm trying)

Young warrior (pride and strength), shield (tank), dressed in the colors of the sun.

Lionelle => courage and strength (image of the lion);
Eileen = > slender of the sun;
Claire => shiny, luminous, shining.

@Th3s3us Lionnelle is a very good one. :blobaww: šŸ¦
Thanks for the list! I'll try to make a follow-up video in a couple of weeks with the result I'll pick.