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Is there a place where I should see trending #hashtags in #mastodon ?
Bottom right corner on the simple UI. But only if the feature is switched on by the admins.
You may remember that I am the admin. ๐Ÿ™‚
depends on your istance

some instances do show trending tags

some others don't as that's a controversial feature
well I have multi column layout, one home, one notifications, one pinned hashtags and one "public/local/whatever". Can't see where these trendings shall be visible.

that's the "advanced" layout, the one with several columns

There's a basic one

If you use that, you could find the trending hashtags on the right, I think
What if I'm not using that? Since I am not.
eh I don't know, sorry ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
Thanks for trying! Cheers!
a global trendlist is impossible to do in federated networks but each instance has its own trends and the more instances your instance "knows/sees" and the more people you follow, the more trends you'll eventualy pick up...
they are displayed bottom right in the timeline ;)
i think the threshold for display is 5
I understand the theory but I just ack'ed a bunch of "trending" hashtags as admin but I do not see them. Nor in bottom right nor elsewhere. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
they have to be in public posts (and i guess from different accounts but i'm not sure about that) ;)
so if 5-10 account on your instance each post a toot containing #trending, it should eventually pop up...
btw: bottom right with the standard web interface
correction: not multiple accounts from 1 instance but from the fediverse your account/server knows ;)
for example last week i suddenly had #mobilizon trending despite i'm the only account in my instance ;)
technically I do know _why_ they are trending but can't _see_ it. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ At least not on the advanced layout.
No success with old layout either. Maybe dark theme tricks me?
no idea ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
but i just found a checkbox under "preferences" -> "moderation" -> "hashtags" ->
yes but where are those "trends" they are supposed to appear? (I set it appear by default, all checked.)
as i said before, they appear in the standard theme at the bottom of the right column...
but i have no idea what actually triggers the display but they are fetched from /api/v1/trends ;)
accidentally went to and lo! It's there. But not when I'm logged in and reading my multipanes. Hmm. This smells like a bugreport time.
nope ;)
these are not trends but your own most used/featured hashtags ;)
you can set or configure them in settings/featured_tags ;)
my instance finally caught a trend ๐Ÿ˜‚
here it is displayed in the standard layout, at the bottom of the right column:
woow! I *envy* you! ๐Ÿ˜‰