Items tagged with: streamed
We need to upload our PGP fingerprint already 😀
Identity and descisions: #IdentityPolitics is mostly about dividing people, based on often cherryPicking facts about a leader.
#Sortition is about randomly picking a #CitizensJury to make important decisions. Sortition with #PGP might work if you trust a persons security model is okay. Internet is not 100% reliable though. The sortition process would need to be publicised, well-attended and #streamed.
Identity and descisions: #IdentityPolitics is mostly about dividing people, based on often cherryPicking facts about a leader.
#Sortition is about randomly picking a #CitizensJury to make important decisions. Sortition with #PGP might work if you trust a persons security model is okay. Internet is not 100% reliable though. The sortition process would need to be publicised, well-attended and #streamed.