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Items tagged with: radiofreefedi

Happy Birthday! It's one year since RFF first transmitted sounds from the fediverse to the universe!

Let's collectively thank every artist and contributor, listener and good fedizen who supported each other this year and helped build community.

To everyone that has embraced the vibe to make RFF much more than just a stream, cheers.

I'd like to thank everyone who has shared what the project has meant to you and offered support and help for how we might sustain the project.



radio free fedi specialty channel block schedule

welcome new/returning fedizens

#introduction radio free fedi is a consent driven, artist populated, non-commercial, attribution promoting, discovery layer for #fediMusic

Great for dropping in and discovering new artists that might be outside your usual wheelhouse.

Our comfy feed is also diverse but vibed to be much more calm if that helps.

listen, learn more, submit, help:

your 24/7 fedi #community #radio

Support fedi artists and keep fedi weird!
