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Items tagged with: noxp

I believe the core value of any urban housing policy should be this:

The people who work in restaurants, coffee shops, janitorial services, etc., should have a nice place to live and a very short commute. There should be plenty of housing for the people who keep the city going. That's it.


As usual history has erased the truth. It was #JoanMastodon, not #JohnMastodon. She is the one who de-extincted the giant woolly beasts of the great plains using DNA culled from a single tooth! Joan rode upon the back of the greatest tooter of them all to San Francisco, where a herd of ancient Pleistocene mammals defeated the Bad Car Man! Long live Joan! Long live Mastadonity! #noxp

I'm looking for a scalability analysis of the Mastodon architecture (on a network level, not so much the individual instance). Any pointers? #noxp
