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Items tagged with: machinelearning

Hello fediverse!

I'm a #machinelearning engineer with a focus on probabilistic programming (#probprog) at @unituebingen, where I help scientists use ML for their research. In the office and out, one of my main passions is #FOSS, and I work on a number of #opensource packages, mostly in #JuliaLang, with a focus on #probprog, #manifolds, and #autodiff.

I have no idea what this account will be about, but probably some combination of the above topics. 👋


I'm a former historian, researcher / author who switched careers about a year ago to become a software engineer (currently an ML engineer @ ZenML).

I'm retraining myself to think and work in technical domains. Software is my day job, but around the edges I'm studying #machinelearning (primarily through the #fastai community) and mathematics (via Open University's Q31 #mathematics degree programme).

