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Items tagged with: Vietnam

Vietnams neuer Machthaber: Parteichef mit krimineller Energie

Tô Lâm ist seit Mai Staatspräsident, davor war er Sicherheitsminister. Jetzt wurde er KP-Generalsekretär und zu Vietnams mächtigstem Politiker.#Vietnam #KPVietnam #Korruption #Asien #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Vietnams neuer Machthaber: Parteichef mit krimineller Energie

Electronics repairman at his workbench on a back street of #Hanoi. #Vietnam #StreetPhotography
An early evening photo of a young man sitting at a work bench in his electronics repair shop on a back street of Hanoi. He is wearing a brown t-shirt and grey shorts, and we are back and to the left of him so that we appear to be looking just past his left shoulder onto his work. While we cannot clearly see what it is he is working on, we can see the well-used array of meters and tools both on the desk and pinned to a slanting panel at the back of the top surface of the workbench. In the out-of-focus foreground, we see stacks of items. The walls are a seemingly endless series of pegs and hooks upon which hang tools, parts, and unidentifiable bags. Chaotic as the scene is, it is immediately evocative of any number of one-person workstations we will have encountered over the years, i.e. everything is in its place and granularly indexed by the only person for whom it ultimately matters: the present technician.