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Items tagged with: Fagradalsfjall

And just to make it clear: yes, the photos are all taken by me, and you are free to use any of the photos from this thread under CC By-SA license, as long as they do not contain identifiable human faces.

#SharingIsCaring #Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

We had to leave the valley going around the other end of it, the path we used to get into it got closed by the rescue teams due to wind change bringing the fumes over it.

Which is great, as we got to see all the sides of the eruption. This was a better vantage point to notice all the action happening in the middle of the lava field.

That concludes our tour! Thank you for joining me in this adventure!

Here's a livestream from the eruption site:

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

Erupting volcano in the background, behind it some snowy hills.

Large black lava field in the middle, with a lot of red and orange embers all over it.

About two dozen people watching the spectacle.

Closer view of the head of the lava field on the more active side. Humans for scale. This is a solid 4-meter thick layer of solidified lava.

Only... it's not really all that solidified! Remember the embers from before? You can't see them in this photo, but they are there, and the lava wall is moving, slowly but constantly - notice the curled-up turf!

It's creaking and cracking, and every now and then a large chunk will fall off. Coming close is asking for trouble.

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

A lava field "wall" of solidified black lava, about 4 meters tall. Curled turf visible right in front of it, clearly pushed by it over time.

Speaking of rescue teams, let me re-use the most meme-worthy image from this stash again, to hook your attention in order to recognize their hard work and fantastic dedication.

These *volunteers* are on-site 24/7 in shit weather, with bad smells, and dealing with people who thought this is a picnic and came completely unprepared for the hike and weather, or worse: got drunk and unpleasant to deal with.

Thank you, you guys rock (pun semi-intended)!

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

Erupting volcano in the background, with lava field visible and a few dozen people watching.

Foreground: a hand holding a partially tinfoil-wrapped sandwich, a bit blurry (focus on the volcano).

Snowy hills behind the volcano cone.

Embers in the black, solidified lava show this is just a thin crust, there's plenty of action underneath!

Fumes are dangerous: odorless, but heavier than air, and without wind they could displace air, killing anyone within minutes. Thankfully, the volcano creates its own wind, sucking fresh air from all around, heating it, and pumping it up. Hence the mushroom cloud from previous toots in this thread.

Rescue teams on-site monitored this, of course.

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

Volcanic eruption (two individual vents) in the background to the left. Lava flow over a cooled-down lava field, a lot of steaming and fuming all around. A few people watching the volcanic show.
Black lava field with a few embers visible, and a lot of steaming and fuming. Hills in the background, somewhat snow-covered.

Weather changes *fast* in #Iceland ("there is no bad weather, you're just underdressed"), and even faster up in the hills.

It took 15 minutes for it to switch from sunny-blue-sky-reasonably-warm to heavy-grey-sky-heavy-snowfall-and-freezing.

A blizzard over a lava field and an active eruption is a sight to behold!

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

Heavy grey sky, with sun somewhat shining through the clouds. Lava field, black but steaming, a few embers visible here and there. Foggy hills in the background.
Heavy grey skies over a black lava field with an orange-glowing lava flow and an active eruption in the background. Heavy snowfall.

Let's focus on the lava flow for a bit. This was maybe 20m from me. The heat was easily felt even way farther from it.

Smart people tell me this is a good example of "strain localization on the sides of the channel", where the top of the flow has solidified, but sides are still flowing and glowing.

Can't really describe all the weird ways lava flows and boils and roils, and clumps, and moves. Imagine a thick soup, solidifying quickly, but also constantly on the move.

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

Volcanic eruption throwing orange lava bombs up in the background; foreground: a lava flow across a lava field.

A few people to the side, watching in amazement.

Yours truly, in my heavy-seas sailing outfit, which turned out to be a very decent winter hiking outfit.

Yes, I do find the the fact that I brought a sailing outfit to a volcanic eruption funny. ⛵

Yes, my knit cap says "Ryś", which is "Lynx" in Polish, but also a short version of the name "rysiek". :cate:

Content warning: eye contact.

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

Rysiek, in heavy weather sailing outfit, a knit cap with "Ryś" on it, and the volcano and some nice lava river in the background.

Moving on around the valley allows us to finally see that the other side of the volcano cone has collapsed, revealing two on-going eruptions, throwing lava bombs up and about, and creating rivers of hot lava among the lava field.

We've spent quite some time just sitting there and watching the volcano do it's thing. It is awe-inspiring and humbling to witness such a thing.

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

Black volcano cone, steaming, in the middle of a large lava field, in sharp sunlight under a blue sky. People here and there, looking at the volcano.
Other side of the volcano, where the cone walls have collapsed. Two simultaneous lava eruptions going, with a lava flow well visible on the lava field.  Hills in the background, people around, marveling at the sight.

At long last, we're getting some action! Volcano is happily throwing some red-hot chunks of lava up in the air.

The sound is not possible to describe. A deep, low, rumbling mixed with a sound of storm waves crashing on a rocky shore is my best attempt.

The valley we came through to get to this point is almost directly behind the volcano cone.

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

Finally, the headliner emerges!

The volcano becomes visible, first small and between the hills. The lava field seems cool and solid, but consider the snow melted on the hills around. Also, this lava "carpet" is at least 3 meters thick, and constantly slightly moving.

We had to walk around the valley, so we got a chance to photograph it from different sides. The lava field on the last photo is the oldest, thinnest, and coolest. There is even a bit of snow on it!

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

Trail through the hills, with the fumes-spewing volcano visible between them. Volcano cone spewing hot fumes, with a black solidified lava field surrounding a small mound. The mound has cracked somewhat and there is a bit of gas visible escaping.

A stream of hikers visible beside it.
Black solidified lava field, a couple of hundred meters form the volcano cone, between snowy hills. Snow melted around the lava field, proving how hot it still is, even though it doesn't seem so. Another part of the lava field visible. Older and cooler. People coming up close to it, snow right next to it and a bit on it.

Volcano cone in the background.

Oh noes, is this another eruption? Nope, it's just the geothermal plant near Grindavík (and Blue Lagoon), trying its best to pretend to be a volcano! 😉

Photos taken from the hike up, about a kilometer or so from the actual eruption site, looking West (and away from the eruption site).

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

A bit of snow-covered flat land, surrounded by hills. A trail winding from the left all the way to the photographer, plenty of people on it. Far away, a small, thin mushroom cloud.
Small, thin mushroom cloud on the horizon. Photo taken from atop a hill, looking down on the flat area with the trail somewhat visible.

A mushroom cloud over the eruption site is easily visible from 25km away. As we get closer and see it from a different angle, a long downwind tail-cloud becomes visible.

From about a kilometer away it is clear that there is a column of hot fumes rising from the eruption site. These are transparent, until they cool down sufficiently for the water vapor in them to condense out.

Plenty of water to vaporize available, there was some snowfall earlier (and later).

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

Mushroom cloud above an active volcanic eruption site, seen from afar through a car windshield. Same cloud, but closer, and from under the downwind long-tail cloud.
Same volcanic eruption cloud seen from a different perspective. Long tail downwind cloud visible behind it. Same cloud from much closer. It is visible that the bottom is just hot transparent fumes. Water vapor condenses out of them higher up, when they cool down sufficiently.

I went through the photos and videos I've taken on my lava-ish picnic ( 🌋 , get it?) on Sunday.

Highlights attached, thread with more below.

#Iceland #Fagradalsfjall

A mushroom cloud over volcanic eruption site seen from afar, through a car's windshield. Blizzard over a lava field and an actively erupting volcano.
Lava flow from the volcano, seen from quite close. Large cooled-down lava field visible around and in the distance. Large, steaming lava field with hills surrounding it.