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Items tagged with: tromlive

We are all humans. Atoms that make cells, cells that make us. We are not israelies, palestinians, americans, jews, arabs, europeans....we are HUMANS. And we have more than enough resources to share and live in a paradise on a beautiful and complex planet.

What a shame that the same brains who can understand how the universe works and the complexity that we have discovered so far, can be imprisoned by nonsense ideas and beliefs, and then kill each other because of these.



All of our TROM Files are again available via TROM Files - we make everything available for everyone, as trade-free. If more people would practice what we do, to create trade-free goods and services, the world would be a better place. It is tough of course, since the entire society relies on trade. But we must start something like this, despite being so difficult.


The move of to the new server is now complete! As a bonus we have raised the storage for TROM Files from 5GB to 10GB for everyone, plus added Deck - an alternative to Trello, so that you can organize tasks and collaborate with others.

We've also increased the size limit for TROM Send from 5GB to 10GB.

The new server is more powerful and has a lot more storage space. But also a little bit more expensive. So please consider a donation to support TROM.

Cheers! #tromlive

We are going to move our Peertube instance to a better server so we highly recommend that you do not upload any new video for the next days. We would like to avoid data loss. #tromlive

We have moved our TROM Search to a separate server to make it work better and isolate it from our server because our IP got blocked several times by google, yahoo, micosoft and the like. And for example people using those companies as their email accounts could not receive emails form us, like say resetting their passwords and such. Hosting such Trade Free interfaces for these big ad platforms like search, youtube and the like, is a pain in the ass. But for now we consider the search engine as important, so we will keep it isolated like that.

For the next 2 weeks or so we will work on moving our to a new and better server. You will for sure see downtimes....Always check

And support us if you can


The first part of the TROM II Documentary, Humans, is fully translated into Spanish thanks to @Rafa Peris and Vicky! If you want to help with the translations please head over to our Translations chat on Matrix


TROM II: 1. Humans

What does Romania, Russia, Latvia, Germany, and the United States have in common? A planet, and the human imagination. We imagine borders, nationalities, and differences. In truth we are all very much the same. We grow up in a culture, we watch the same TV, listen to the same music, follow similar traditions. We are "educated" and "trained" by institutions that are rarely questioned by the masses.

So how does a newborn human become someone in this culture of humans? And how does the human-invented world contrast with the vast universe we are part of?

TROM Files now has a wonderful calendar app - you can even integrate it with your local apps. Import from your trade-based services into this trade free calendar!

Our Friendica is now super fast, same is for our Matrix! So TROM Social and TROM Chat seem to work great now!

See all of our trade-free services at


Our ZDay presentation is now translated into 4 languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Czech and Catalan

Kudos to the people who are translating these TROM videos without anyone asking them to do so or how to do it. At TROM we work in this decentralized and more emerging style: people can get involved with whatever they can, and do it on their own.

We only provide some tools and platforms, like our Translation Matrix chat

Amazing people. One of them actually, Lenka, we meet at ZDay. She came because of TROM and she quickly became our friend.

Now she made the Czech subtitle for the presentation and she wants to work on the entire TROM II documentary to subtitle it into Czech. Awesome people!


TROM II Documentary is fully translated into German thanks to @Aaron ! Watch it here

He is not only part of the documentary but translated it fully! #tromlive

TROM II is now fully translated into Romanian thanks to @Georgi who worked like crazy for the past months to do it.

It is particularly difficult to translate into Romanian because this language comes in 2 main flavors: the official language and the language that people normally speak. And there can be a big difference between the two.

Georgi tried as much as possible to translate in a way that people talk and not in this official robot-like way. She used Kdenlive for the entire translation process.

Huge amount of work!

Watch it here !


21 people support TROM forever with a fix 5 Euros a month donation! We need 200 people to be able to become fully sustainable. Please donate here if you can

These days we will release a new awesome TROMjaro update. Improved Theme and Layout Switcher and a very nifty welcome screen.

And we will give you more info about our ZDay presentation.

But please, if you see the value in what we do, support us with a little donation so that we can keep on TROMing 😀


TROM II Documentary now full translated into Polish thanks to Jaroslaw! A massive amount of work. Thank you so much! Please share 😀


We now accept Paypal donations for our 200 for TROM campaign!

Please help us. We are right now close to get enough monthly support to pay for our servers. But we need more in order to keep TROM active.

We need 200 people to donate 5 Euros a month to support TROM forever.


200 for TROM

TROM II documentary talks about the fediverse quite a bit. We mention Friendica, Mastodon, Peertube and the like. Plus we promote FOSS. The documentary is a stab at today's society, but not a deadly one. It is a positive documentary in the end.

If you care about the fediverse (and may other important things), go watch this documentary and please help us spread it.

It is freely available here


Our new documentary "A Message to the Aliens" was entirely made with @Kdenlive - 4 parts, 5 hours. I think that proves that Kdenlive is a professional video editor that can be used for huge projects.

Kudos to them for this amazing video editor!


TROM II: A Message to the Aliens (documentary) was exclusively released on @PeerTube . You can watch it here

Please help us spread it more, so we also showcase to people that Peertube is not just a "secondary" video platform. #tromlive

Today we worked all day to move our server to a new IP address because Youtube blocked our IP. Why? Maybe because we are raping and murdering baby animals. Or because we want to burn down rainforests. No! It was because we were hosting Invidious at Invidious is a trade-free interface for Youtube that basically allows you to watch the Youtube videos without the cancerous ads or trackers or all of the trade-related crap that Youtube vomits all over their website.

Because our IP was banned other services were affected such as Peertube and its feature of importing videos from Youtube, or our RSS Bridge.

Anyway, now everything works but we have removed Invidious. The developers behind Invidious are working on a workaround but we may not bring Invidious back. We will create an article tomorrow about the recent situation with Youtube, Reddit and Twitter who are getting more and more aggressive with their platforms, not wanting anyone from outside to access their content.

And we will showcase you a lot of amazing alternatives and solutions. Stay tuned!


It seems that because Google banned our server IP (our invidious instance was a threat for them it seems) now you cannot import videos from Youtube to our Peertube. Endless issues. And for what!? For allowing people to watch Youtube videos without the crap hat Youtube adds on top of them.

Anyway, we need to seek for a solution. This is not a disaster by any means, but it is another warning sign of what these big companies are doing. All they want is to play the game of trade, because they are winning at it. So Youtube pretends to be a video platform, and thus we say: Cool, we installed this Youtube interface to allow people to watch the videos from your video platform, without all of the bloat. But Youtube is like "Whaaaat!? Nah! We NEED people to watch our ads, and we need to collect their data and make them give us their currencies!".

Because, you guessed it, Youtube is not a video platform. Videos are just a way to serve you ads. Youtube is an AD PLATFORM.

#TradeRuinsEverything #tromlive

Our Invidious instance currently does not work to play any video. It is a known issue and basically it is Google trying hard to block these services that act as an interface for youtube, removing all of the crap (ads, trackers, bloatness). You can track the discussion here

In the meantime use FreeTube -


Thank you Medardo for becoming a Patreon supporter!

It is difficult to get any volunteer donation support for TROM, maybe because many people are not aware of the project, or they already support other projects, or may be because we are honest and do not provide any "perks" that would transform their donations into "subscriptions" and people may be more used to getting something in return for their financial support. But what they always get, is TROM with its many many materials and projects.

So, please, if you can support us, do so here

It is so important to be able to support projects like TROM in a society where they are so rare or non existent. #tromlive


Despite the fact that humans have created so much misery, so much destruction, so many mountains of waste, and wasted so many brains for the past thousands of years, there is some hope in sight. But to understand and harness that hope, they must take a giant step back and look at their society from an alien perspective.

They have to let go of what they think is normal and try to undress the layered society they have created, to see the naked reality behind it all. Only then can hope be understood. Only then, the understanding of hope can become the bedrock for change.

Watch the full documentary here


TROM II: Earth

There is only one, and one only. A few kilometers of crust layered with a few kilometers of atmosphere. A seemingly endless variety of plants and animals. And yet, the 8 billion humans inhabiting it are naively ignoring the fragility of this ecosystem. If Earth was an island, it would be the only one in a vast empty ocean.

Humans are the rulers of this world, with no corner left untouched by them. Rulers who think that they might be exempt from the rest of nature. But the destruction of this habitat is starting to have consequences that are impossible to ignore.

Watch it here

The TROM II Documentary is now available fully in Portuguese! Watch it here - big thanks to @Airton ! #tromlive

The TROM II Documentary is ready for collaborative translations. Please join our Matrix chat at if you'd like to help. #tromlive

TROM II: Society

Despite what most people may believe, the human society, from China to the US, from Europe to Africa, and everywhere else, is based primarily, if not entirely, on a practice that dates back thousands of years. That practice dictates how humans treat others and the environment around them. What movies they make, what books they write, what products they create, who and what they care about, and what they prioritize.

From science to entertainment, or the day to day life, this old practice is a force that all humans are slaves to.

Watch the second part of TROM II: A Message to the Aliens, here


TROM II: Humans

What does Romania, Russia, Latvia, Germany, and the United States have in common? A planet, and the human imagination. We imagine borders, nationalities, and differences. In truth we are all very much the same. We grow up in a culture, we watch the same TV, listen to the same music, follow similar traditions. We are “educated” and “trained” by institutions that are rarely questioned by the masses.

So how does a newborn human become someone in this culture of humans? And how does the human-invented world contrast with the vast universe we are part of?

Watch the first part of the TROM 2 Documentary here -


The TROM II Documentary will be released tomorrow at

It will be available for everyone, of course, and with proper English captions and sources. We are streaming it via our own video platform (Peertube) so there will be no censorship this time.

Keep in mind, this documentary style is very different from the first documentary. This is more of a "personal" documentary that revolves around 5 people, but it expands far more than just that, presenting an "overview" of our society from an alien perspective. Please keep your expectations low and keep in mind that most of the work was done by one single human being, from recordings to editing and so forth.

Also, we used no stock footage, so everything you see there is real. No fake bullshit.

Ok. We hope you'll get some value out of it.


Our TROM Discussions chat is now open, after some 8 months of silencing it in order to finish the TROM II documentary. Join if you want


We've updated the presentation page for our TROM Files

See how awesome this is. LibreOffice in the cloud with collab editing tools (writer, spreadsheets, presentations, diagrams). Plus a Notes app, plus a powerful Photos app that allows you to organize your photos and videos and even edit them.

TROM Files can preview PDFs and multiple 3D file formats. And it has a built-in Music App so you can listen to your music/podcasts.

It's all about those files, and they are all encrypted. We have no clue what you are hosting with us.

Take advantage of it!


The TROM II Documentary update and a little help required.

Our Friendica node got updated to the latest stable. Hopefully everything works well. #tromlive