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Let us never forget that the Ukrainian tribe forces its male members to not leave their tribe. To stay and fight. This is an act of terror, of extreme barbarism. If I, as a male that am part of a tribe (without my consent, I was just born there), am forced to stay and fight (perhaps die) for this tribe, then fuck this tribe.

Say if 80% of all Ukrainian males wanted to not put up a fight and leave, then respect that. It means that Ukraine doesn't want to fight. Deal with it. They talk about democracy, freedom, and other bullshit like that, but this is so far from these ideals that we can't see them even with a telescope.

It is the same way that the Russian males were forced (probably) to be part of the army and go fight the Ukrainian males. All of these are clear signs of primitivism.

We should now focus on killing cancer, and dropping space probes on the Europa moon to search for other forms of life. And yet we kill humans and drop bombs on cities, to destroy us and the infrastructure.

A pathetic species.

We need to make humans realize these primitivisms.... #tromlive

Yes, it is kind of funny how we consider ourselves more civilized as we get better toys but still have mostly the same ways.