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Items tagged with: yoga

i'm a mid-30s woman (she/they) in #raleigh. i run a small instance for #TheTriangle of #NorthCarolina called by day, i'm a #WordPress developer.

here are some other things i like: #cycling #DogTraining #RVing #camping #yoga #dogs #crochet

self-proclaimed emoji enthusiast. 🤩

i somewhat-regularly post photos and long-form stuff on my blog, too:

#intro #introduction #introductions

Content warning: I don't think I ever did one of these and there's 🍍 all these new people 🍍 so: #introductions


Les Nymphéas, etc.

Quand je contemple ce tableau de Monet, je n'ai pas besoin des méthodes de méditation, de relaxation ou de yoga qui viennent d'Asie. L’impressionnisme est ma médecine asiatique. D'autres peintures occidentales me font le même effet. Il serait trop long d'en faire ici la liste.

When I contemplate this painting of Monet, I do not need the methods of meditation, relaxation or yoga that come from Asia. Impressionism is my Asian medicine. Other western paintings do the same to me. It would take too long to write the list.

#Peinture #Painting #Impressionism #Vermeer #Chardin #Corot #Poussin #yoga #zen #meditation #relaxation #well-being #personaldevelopment #développement-personnel #Asie #relaxation