Items tagged with: dataprotection
#GDPR #UKDGPR #DataProtection #ByeByeAdequacy?
British Businesses to Save Billions Under New UK Version of GDPR
New data laws to cut down pointless paperwork for businesses and reduce annoying cookie pops-up are being introduced by the government today in Parliament.Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (GOV.UK)
* Directive 2002/58/EC (Article 5(3) in particular), #GDPR and the ECJ "Planet49" decision (Cā673/17). #dataprotection #privacy
Name is Carey (@privacat). I am a Senior Catsultant for Castlebridge, a botique data protection consultancy in Ireland.
I think (and post) way too much on #dataprotection, #privacy, #privacyengineering #cats #beer and the #law. I think I'm funny, but YMMV.
Heads up: I am a bit/very sweary.
Come for the cat pics and snark, stay for the privacy & #tech rants and musings on data protection law and #policy.
Based on my recent poll (, and the fact that these thoughts were going to percolate in my head until I dumped them out on paper, I decided to write a doc on #dataprotection and #privacy considerations for #fediverse #admins and #users.
It's mostly modeled after the #GDPR, but many of these considerations apply across other jurisdictions' #privacy laws.
Have a look, and I welcome any/all comments, good or bad:
Galactic Cat DPO Privacat (
#dataprotection folks and #instance owners/#mastodon users: Would anyone like a FAQ on common #dataprotection/#privacy/#security issues to consider when running/using the #fediverse? [ ] OMG, yes [ ] Maybe, but it might make me sad [ ] Uh, a what ā¦Free Radical