Items tagged with: christmas
Day 25 of #100DaysOfRust
I was celebrating with my family before #Christmas (yes, it's already here today) and I was still learning #Rust. Two things were illuminating for me: The capitalization is relevant, I knew it before but I really had to find it before I went through the corresponding tests. Secondly, I learned 'traid objects', a cool way of working. I got further than expected and learned on #RustLang what I can use for the next project 🦀
HT @JasonThorne.
#MerryChristmas #gifts #shopping #economy #MainStreet #Downtown #Hamilton
#axios #axioslatino #mexico #christmas #farmers #latam #latinos
Et un petit rayon de soleil ⛅
Au plaisir de vous y accueillir!
#photographie #artsvisuels #dessin #art #artisanat #faitmain #creation #restauration #halle #bastide #grenade #grenadesurgaronne #hautstolosans #toulouse #hautegaronne #occitanie #noel #marchedenoel #christmas #market #craft #handmade #drawing #photography #artist