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Items tagged with: OSSPodcast

Also I forgot the content warning, this holiday spectacular episode gets kind of real, especially around healthcare and houselessness/unhoused people and a bunch of other topics.

What happens when Santa uses AI to manage the naughty and nice list? As we all learned from "The good place" the points based system no longer works. Find out on the #osspodcast with @joshbressers at Also are elves people? What species are they? Are Santa's elves aquatic elves? Does everyone live on top of water? What about volcanoes? Also what's the maintenance cycle like for Santas sleigh? Is there a log book for this somewhere?

Do you wear socks? It turns out that both @joshbressers and I are very picky about the socks we wear, and we both go barefoot/slippered a lot. Find out how this is related to filing bugs in Linux on the #osspodcast TL;DR: The real reward was killing off long term support for Linux Kernels.

Question 1) Can you secure something you don't own?

Question 2) Do you actually own any of your stuff?

Find out all about these things on the #osspodcast

TL;DR: Kurt isn't very good with mirrors but @joshbressers is good at it.

100 years from now people will still be listening to the #osspodcast about the #wordpress 100 year registration tldr people regularly spend more than $38,000 for a conversation piece. Not people I know. But people. So I’m told.

Also I’m calling it now, the #burningmud is going to be a bigger problem in some ways than anyone can guess (eg 73000 with no sanitation walking in poopy mud) and I bet no major lessons will be learned by most of them.

I don't know how to say it other than the title does: Enterprise open source is different. TL;DR: ... it's complicated, but it works so that's good, right? #osspodcast

You know how everyone is dumping on the Google #WEI proposal that adds #DRM to the web isn't as bad as most people think. It's actually a lot worse. Find out on the #osspodcast TL;DR: web browser security is good, but if a company with a dying business model destroys the web that might be bad?

Good news, parasocial relationships don't count as contact for the purposes of 12 FAM 270, so you can listen to the #osspodcast without having to fill out a lot of forms Also this week: you can totally trust AI written code, and easily ban programmers from certain countries from your supply chain.

Good news: open source is still dying, and probably will be for a few more decades, find out more on the #osspodcast tldr: the corporate world is struggling and trying to fit the open source peg into a weirdly shaped hole.

This #osspodcast episode @kurtseifried and I discuss the #RedHat news

The reality is they're still better than a lot of companies claiming to do #OpenSource but it feels like a betrayal because they were the hero of open source for so long

Open source keeps saving the world, find out more on the #osspodcast tldr if you’re on mastodon you probably should consider bailing out of Reddit now…

It's official, even an AI make believe monkey has better penmanship than I do. Find out more on the #osspodcast with @kurtseifried and @joshbressers TL;DR: namespaces are complicated, and they probably don't accomplish all the things that any of us hope for, but they are still useful. Maybe. Probably. Sort of?
A monkey holding up a name tag that says "Monky"

#osspodcast episode 377 with myself and @joshbressers is out TL;DR: you will learn why you hate change and why resistance is futile.

Have you ever tried to eat a sandwich but then someone asked you if you knew where the insides came from and you didn’t and it scared you so much you threw the sandwich away? Find out why this matters on the #osspodcast with @joshbressers and me in tldr if someone will eat a gas station sandwich, chances are they’ll consume open source software.

NPM Part 2 remastered on the #osspodcast Also I realized, is there era of named vulnerabilities over? I haven't heard of a good one in ages.

This week on #OSSPodcast @kurtseifried and I discuss how mind boggling big open source is, and what that means for how we use it

So this week we (@kurtseifried and @joshbressers) have @krakenbuerger on our show. Who is Fiona and what does she do? It's simple. The Sovereign Tech Fund. Ok Maybe it's not so simple, in fact, they have an excellent document that covers this all ( and you can hear it directly from her at TL;DR: It's sort of complicated, but ultimately I think this is doable.


In the olden days if you had a 1000+ software packages to manage you were a fully fledged operating system with software, nowadays we call this a "web app."

Find out some hard lessons learned over the year from @kurtseifried and @joshbressers on the #osspodcast TL;DR: counting vulnerabilities is both completely stupid, and completely neccesary. The trick is to think about them the right way (hint: statistics, not pets. Except when they are pets like #log4j. Who's a good vulnerability? You are!).

Ok so @kurtseifried and @joshbressers were lucky enough to have @Di4na on the #osspodcast aka the "I am not a supplier" person. TL;DR:... normally we cut the episode to 30 minutes. This one is 52 minutes. It's good. Really good. Suggestion: first go read and then stare at the image below for a few minutes and think about what you just read, and then load the podcast up at and listen to the author clarify it, and explain several other things. TL;DR You need to listen to Thomas. He's sharp.

Episode 364 of the #osspodcast in which Kurt had bad shwarma, @joshbressers agrees that good shwarma is great, and we learn that it's also hard to know what's in your software even if you do #SBOM TL;DR: We got different kinds of SBOM, SBOM drift, services and APIs, and then there some complicated problems on top of all that. Also legal obligations.

Episode 362 of the #osspodcast in which @carol not only teaches @kurtseifried and @joshbressers about #rust, both at a high level (catching things at compile time makes for some magic) and some very clever low-level things (like borrowing and lending) but also asks one of the best guest questions I've ever heard, find out at the TL;DR: the crevice tool is good, but if you live in Canada and have a garage you want the water on floor cleaning tool for your garage.

In last week's news discussed after the fact by @kurtseifried ad @joshbressers on the #osspodcast @github got hacked a little bit and it was mostly boring. In exciting news, it's also clear that @githubsecurity is staying on top of things and not only noticed themselves getting a little bit hacked, but then checked and noticed others getting hacked the same way and fixed them, and notified them. At least that's what we speculate (with reasonable evidence and a bit of Occam's Razor).

#AIX isn't dead, it's just pining for the fjords, much like #NOTAM which probably wants to die and be replaced with something modern, which might happen now that it had a little nap. Find out more with @kurtseifried and @joshbressers on the #osspodcast TL;DR: Remember the #SCO lawsuit? It's all related.
Crazy connections wall

How many companies are helping #opensource by putting eggs in the toaster? Find out on the #osspodcast wit @kurtseifried and @joshbressers TL;DR: don't put eggs in your toaster, seriously. Also maybe companies and demanding users should stop strip mining OpenSource and burning our developers.

I think we can all agree that #lastpass ducked up seriously, but what happens now? Find out on the #osspodcast with @kurtseifried and @joshbressers TL;DR: #lastpass is a bag of weasels that still has a website that makes it sound like all your vault data is encrypted. It's not.

If you didn't have enough money to get someone a gift you can give them the gift of the #osspodcast for free from @kurtseifried and @joshbressers TL;DR: we talk about the security poverty line and some practical things you can actually do with no or little budget if you're using OpenSource. And trust me, you're using OpenSource.

This week on #osspodcast @kurtseifried and I chat about #stylometry

There's a tool to look at #HackerNews authors and see if their writing is similar to another user (sock puppets anyone?)

This of course leads to larger discussions about #privacy, #cybersecurity, #impersonation, and of course, #shakespeare

This week on the #osspodcast @joshbressers and @kurtseifried discuss #factorio and then #usability vs #security TL;DR: THE ADMINS CAN READ THESE TOOTS!!!! EVEN THE PRIVATE TOOTS!!!!

Also, we managed to avoid discussing CISA, Twitter, and all the other things on fire.

This week on #OSSPodcast @kurtseifried and I chat about the new UK plan to scan all the infrastructure in the country

This of course creates a lot more questions than it answers

Nothing makes sense anymore. Maybe it never did.
