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Items tagged with: IoT

PSA: If you missed the debunking, the recent story about the alleged Swiss DDoS attack using 3 million connected toothbrushes is funny but made up. #InternetOfThings #IoT

The three million toothbrush botnet story isn’t true.

Here’s the original source of the story:

It’s simply a made up example. It doesn’t exist. It starts talking about NoName Ddosia, too, which also isn’t toothbrushes.

🎤I've been interviewed for Privacy International's (@privacyint) podcast🎙️ on our #UCL Computer Science research on #TechAbuse + the Internet of Things (#IoT):

"Tech-Assisted Abuse: How Smart Devices Can Facilitate Abuse."



2010: Connect all the things!
2020: Disconnect all the things!

#IoT #InternetOfShit