Items tagged with: GTK
After two and a half years of rewrite, #Fractal 5 is finally out! Get the #GTK 4 #Rust #Matrix client from and enjoy new features such as #EndToEndEncryption, location sharing, or multi-account with Single-Sign On 🚀
Nowy wpis na blogu: POW! #3 – kasa i muza
W dzisiejszym odcinku Programów Obadania Wartych chciałem polecić wam program, którego używam do ogarniania swoich finansów, a w bonusie dorzucam trzy inne apki tego samego autora.
Simultaneously I bumped the version so they are on par with the latest release.
This is the last missing piece to get #libadwaita-rs into #Debian. Tomorrow I'll tackle #gstreamer and the rest of the crates.
#Rust #GTK #Debian
GitHub - Relm4/Relm4: Build truly native applications with ease!
Build truly native applications with ease! Contribute to Relm4/Relm4 development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
#GTK #opensource #FOSS #release