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Items tagged with: Dream

Entered a lucid dream from a non-lucid dream

Had an interesting lucid dream tonight.
I dreamt (normal dream) that I got help from someone who could help me lucid dream. I fell asleep in this person's presence (in the dream) and entered a new dream. When I entered the new dream I was lucid. When the lucid dream ended I woke back up in the previous dream and was again non-lucid.

Another interesting thing was that when I lucid dreamt I was levitating but lost control over it and was about to get hurt. My subconscious mind changed the dream so I didn't get hurt.

Thank you dear subconscious mind ❤️

#lucid #dream #dreaming #dreams

@Lucid Dreaming Community

"You go talk to kindergartners or first-grade kids, you find a class full of #science enthusiasts. They ask deep questions. They ask, "What is a #dream, why do we have #toes, why is the #moon round, what is the birthday of the #world, why is #grass #green?"These are profound, important #questions. They just #bubble right out of them.You go talk to 12th graders and there's none of that. They've become #incurious.Something terrible has happened between kindergarten and 12th grade." #CarlSagan

(#Book: #Conversations with Carl Sagan)

Had a #lucid #dream spontaneously this night. Suddenly I just kept saying "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming" over and over again and then I became aware.

Had a #dream last night where I shaved my beard off. Should I? #dreams

  • Yes (50%, 4 votes)
  • No (50%, 4 votes)
8 voters. Poll end: 2 years ago

I had a #dream this night and in it I could leave marks and notes on all #software interfaces.

You know like you can mark physical button on your remote or stick note on wall switch "do not turn this on!" - but on application buttons and other elements. So next time the program was loaded, marks were there.

I woke up and thought it would be so awesome to have!