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Items tagged with: tilvids

Heads-up for the #PeerTube community, it appears Google has been blocking many tools/IP ranges that try to synchronize with YouTube. At least for the creators on #tilvids this is a massive challenge, because they can no longer sync THEIR content on multiple platforms, requiring them to manually upload to both TILvids AND #youtube We appreciate our creators going the extra mile, and please remember this is why it's so important to support alternative platforms.


People can be as upset about this as they want, but so long as they continue to watch #YouTube they continue tacitly supporting their user-hostile actions. If you really want to make a difference, stop watching, and tell content creators why. When you can convince them to move to platforms that don't shove ads down your throat every 3 minutes, THAT is when you'll see #Google change their tune.

#tech #technology #enshitification #PeerTube #tilvids

You probably know that you can see all the latest #tilvids videos by visiting the site at But did you know you can also get an RSS feed of all the new videos as well? Using a client like @thunderbird you can add the feed from and get a nice list of every new video shared with the community!
Picture of Thunderbird client in RSS feed mode showing new videos from, on Ubuntu Linux desktop.

A tale of two social media sites...

#tilvids joined Mastodon mostly to get people to stop badgering us to do it. So glad we did though, because our reach here is 6x what it is on Twitter, and the quality of the engagements is much, much higher. Very glad to be here!