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Items tagged with: gamingonlinux

Casual UT2003 CtF match [against bots] in 2024 🤘🤓🤘

In 2020 I checked some old backup disks of mine and found to my utmost joy a copy of my former UT2003 installation. This is a Linux native 32bit build that is now over 20 years old. Well, LinuxGaming is hard because who can support 500 distributions, right? This worked just fine in 2020 on Fedora 31. Today I gave it another spin in 2024 on Fedora 38 on Wayland with PipeWire 😀

Hell yeah, the muscle memory is still there 🤘🤓🤘

(tbf the SDL1.2 compat lib rocks most of this but it's really all still there)

Playing some factory game in the lunch break


#LinuxGaming #GamingOnLinux #SimPit #Linux #EliteDangerous #EliteDangerousOdyssey #StarCitizen #PewPew

Live stream preview

Bagged #RebelGalaxyOutlaw on GoG today and had a blast. Needed some fiddling to get my X52 Pro up and running since the game only supports one Gamepad but that's nothing that would stop my #LinuxGaming 😂



Scuba Diving the #StarCitizen way – Surviving planetfall with a Dragonfly grav-lef bike

Yesterday I tried various ships in StarCitizen (some “free” event). I launched at Everus Harbor, a station orbiting Everus. When I tested the Dragonfly Black it became old fast circling around on the small landing pad so… why should I now attempt an atmospheric decent instead?

(Sorry for the extra shaking – I had my DIY headtracker on 😁)

#LinuxGaming #GamingOnLinux

Bonjour le fediverse 👋

Je suis un utilisateur #linux qui joue ici par là. En ce moment c'est plus de #DeepRockGalactic et très récemment #ApexLegends (oui, ça marche nickel sous Linux) s'est ajouté à ma collection.

Un bon samedi à tous et toutes!

#introduction #GamingOnLinux