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Items tagged with: free software

Qu'est-ce que le logiciel libre (Open Source) ? La liberté du logiciel expliquée en moins de trois minutes!

Les quatre libertés expliquées en moins de 3 minutes. Le logiciel libre vous garantit les quatre libertés essentielles d'utiliser, d'étudier, de partager et d'améliorer le logiciel. Ces droits qui définissent la liberté logicielle contribuent à soutenir d'autres libertés fondamentales comme la liberté d'expression, de la presse et de la vie privée.

Nous expliquons en moins de 3 minutes pourquoi c'est bien et ce que cela signifie.

Si vous voulez aider et contribuer, consultez le site :

Matthias Kirschner on FSFE's Open Source Journey

I Love Free Software Day: Who would you like to say thank you to? - Nico Rikken

We often underestimate the power of a simple Thank You. Free Software contributors do important work for our society and they deserve attention. The "I Love Free Software Day" on 14 February is the perfect opportunity for you to express your special gratitude.

We thank David Vagt for creating this video.

Upcycling your Android - Train the Trainers

Every time we keep using our current phone instead of buying a new one we help avoid the production of new phones and the increase of e-waste. "Upcyling Android" is an initiative to overcome software obsolescence and to extend the lifespan of our hardware with the help of Free Software.
Upcycling our devices this way is an important step to rethink our short-term, linear consumption of electronic devices in favor of a circular economy. We explain the connections, offer help and make your voice heard by decision makers.

01:03 Erik - Upcycling Android Campaign
23:25 Erik - Upcycling Android Campaign - Q&A
26:35 Max - Upcycling Android Workshops
46:04 Max - Upcycling Android Workshops - Q&A
56:10 Marvin - microG
01:11:10 Marvin - microG - Q&A
01:26:15 General Q&A
01:45:04 Closing

Erik's presentation -
Max's presentation -
Marvin's presentation -