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Items tagged with: fraud

Any election where less than 50% of the voters show up should be voided and redone. I am looking directly at you Ontario Canada. Currently governed by a party which got 18% of the 43% who bothered to show up.
#Ontario #Fraud #Canada #Fascism

🇬🇧 An international consortium of journalists analyzed close to 300 Estonian-registered crypto companies and discovered dozens of crimes: massive-scale fraud, money laundering, sanctions evasion, and illicit financing of organizations such as Wagner Group.

🇵🇱 Międzynarodowe konsorcjum dziennikarzy przeanalizowało blisko 300 zarejestrowanych w Estonii firm zajmujących się kryptowalutami i odkryło dziesiątki przestępstw: oszustwa na masową skalę, pranie pieniędzy, unikanie sankcji i nielegalne finansowanie organizacji takich jak Grupa Wagnera.


#crypto #fraud #investigation #wagnergroup

If someone calls claiming to be from your financial institution - even if they sound very much like what you'd expect from a bank and say that it's an urgent matter - ask them for a case reference number and tell them you'll call them back at the 1-800 number on the bank's website.

The fraudsters are really out in force at the moment.

#fraud #financialcrimes #bankfraud #personalsecurity #finance #selfprotection

After such a bad week of developments for the tech industry, I can’t believe we’re topping it off with Elizabeth Holmes sentenced to 11 years in prison. I’m overjoyed!

#techindustry #theranos #elizabethholmes #fraud
