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Items tagged with: aaronswartz

#AaronSwartz killed himself because he scraped research data and they aggressively prosecuted him.

Now #AI companies say they should scrape our data for free.

Bilawal Sidhu:

It's wild that Aaron Swartz was aggressively prosecuted for scraping JSTOR articles.
Meanwhile huge companies routinely scrape the public internet and sell it for $20/month and all is well.
Aaron helped create RSS, Creative Commons, Markdown and a little site called Reddit (which now ironically sells its data to Al companies) - all by the age of 26.
All he wanted was free and open access to information. Really makes you wonder the dent he'd have made on the world if he was still alive today.

Susan Swartz, Jul 12:

11 years, 6 months. RIP my darling boy.

image of Aaron

6:53 AM Jul 13, 2024

Folks remembering #AaronSwartz today - remember that he was moving publicly-funded research out from behind a paywall.

Then remember the only reason the case went forward is because federal prosecutors, specifically Carmen Ortiz and Stephen Heymann, wanted to make an example of him.

“Theft is theft, and it doesn’t matter if you use a crowbar or a computer” were Heymann’s words at the time.

Notice how federal prosecutors aren’t bullying Sam Altman for the wholesale theft of content network-wide, to build a machine that spews bullshit and further destroys our ability to determine the truth?

It’s because he’s doing it for private profit, while Aaron worked for the public good.

Never let yourself be tricked into believing the legal system is a justice system.