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That's a cool side-effect of the MathJax addon!
This entry was edited (3 years ago)
So any time someone add an on 😉 to Friendica it means that it will display differently than the source? Sounds weird.


Well preview shows me nothing:

`x_{1,2} = \frac { -b \pm \sqrt{ b^2 - 4ac } } {2a}`

This entry was edited (3 years ago)
So backtick seems to activate `\LaTeX` mode.

But no preview.

$$ \frac{2}{3} $$
This entry was edited (3 years ago)
Why does it sound weird?
Because it means that the communication channel distorts the information without the knowledge of the participants, which results information loss, misrepresentation and friction.

In theory - and ideally - one does not want that the same message conveys different meaning depending on where you look at it.
Of course but this isn't sustainable when you can't know all the software that can possibly send messages to Friendica. We only control one end of these exchanges, and it isn't the remote one.

For example people have been playing with the specific image display on Twitter where it shows a cropped version in the list display, and a click shows the whole image by hiding the most important part of the image outside of the usual crop.

We simply can't replicate the meaning of these jokes on Friendica because it is based on a platform-specific display choice.

This applies to text as well. We now support Markdown formatting in remote messages through another addon. How do we know whether a specific piece of plain text received from Mastodon is intended to be Markdown code or LaTeX expression if they both use backticks by convention?

We could differentiate them between Friendica nodes by using specific BBCode tags but from Mastodon or any other remote platform? We have to guess since we can't possibly know the meaning just from the message alone. And it gives this kind of funny mishaps.
It is not you to blame. This problem is reoccuring on most network where there is no feature agreement provided by the protocol between the wildly different clients.
I just mentioned that it is weird (not from Friendica but the whole Fediverse), since it effects to what I said above.

There is no actionable item here. Thanks for responding!
Do you have the Markdown addon enabled as well?

What's the point of spambot registrations?

I see that my little server have accumulated about a dozen of registrations, some from the well-beloved protonmail, others various freemail email registrations.
As far as admin UI knows they have never logged in, never have posted anything.

What Is The Point of empty registrations?

!Friendica Support ← maybe this works that way?
This entry was edited (4 years ago)