2021-02-05 23:38:07
2021-02-02 16:30:39
2021-02-02 16:30:29
Spider Lilies, by Sandy Ao
I rerecorded the Bach-Busoni "Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ" today, since I wasn't entirely pleased with my first attempt several months ago. This time, I thought I would include my old friends, the spider lilies of @Sandy Ao 黄明珠
#mymusic #homerecording #solo #piano #spider-lilies #photography
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Sandy Ao 黄明珠, Stuart Richman, Christoph S, Alistair McHarg, Silvia Aldovini, clou clou ✻, 🐾 Team Sintti 🐾, nadloriot, Marysia Kurowski, YA cannot die ⟶ ¿ (>‿◠) and mercurius72 like this.
🐾 Team Sintti 🐾