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Leaky Server Exposing Scraped Data of 150,000 Mastodon Users 😬

What do now? 😭

This is why I have mixed feelings about #Mastodon going mainstream, data scrapers are a much bigger threat for us now. Just because I decided to make a post public doesn't mean it can be scraped, archived, and stored in an entirely separate database. This is a form of #SurveillanceCapitalism and us #Fediverse folks hate it with a passion.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
I mean if something is public even I can scrape that data with a little bit of coding....if a browser can access a webpage (so it is public) nothing prevents scrapping isn't it?
Yeah, I know the data is public, this is why I don't share too much sensitive/private information here. @mxtthxw made a similar comment above, that people shouldn't post things they don't want a script kiddy to know. But what I'm concerned about is the people who buys these data from the script kiddies, think advertising companies, political parties, oppressive regimes, etc. This is what #SurveillanceCapitalism is about, these data can and most likely will be used against people.
If you meet someone and they ask you about your name, profession, hobbies, etc, then you may gladly share these details with them. But if the same person then asks you if you wanna add these details to a database that will be sold to the highest bidder, would you be okay with that? These "data scrapers" are doing the same thing, snooping in on your casual online conversions, and they don't even ask for your consent before collecting your data.