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Last week we've started testing a rework of a Python+ffmpeg duo service to a pure Rust implementation.
The service is a custom logic around video processing.
The Rust code is built around gstreamer-rs bindings.
ffmpeg doing less then the custom Rust implementation consumes 1.5GB RAM and 1.15 CPU.
Our new Rust implementation consumes 133MB RAM and 0.18 CPU.
I'd say this is a huge win. I'm really glad that the effort payed back.

#rust #ffmpeg #python #gstreamer
As a developer I live for these moments of joy. Seeing your code works faster, consumes less memory, and does more than a previous solution gives me this incredible feeling of an achievement.
Especially, I'm enjoying this as I really like Rust and want to have more of it in production.

#rust #programming #achievement