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When you wear pants (trousers) and socks, which do you put on first?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • Pants, always (31%, 260 votes)
  • Pants, usually (19%, 161 votes)
  • Socks, usually (23%, 194 votes)
  • Socks, always (25%, 206 votes)
821 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

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lots of my pants make it impossible to put socks on after.
Socks always, because wearing pants is for those who bow down to societies clothing oppression!
depends if there are long johns involved. Socks must go under (& so precede) long johns or chaos ensues. This is a strict order of operations dependency.
Otherwise, socks are lazily evaluated upon dependency from shoes.

Honestly, I’d think any lazily evaluated functional language would just have this in its prelude.
Beautiful subject for a poll! I chose an "always" option, but I acknowledge the validity of the alternative.
getting the feeling that everyone is surprised by this poll for very different reasons….
first sock, opposite pant leg, other sock, opposite pant leg.
depends on if I see cute pants or cute socks first in my dresser
There is only one sensible way to do this: putting socks on first means the force on them when you drag your trousers upwards over them keeps your socks pulled up whereas putting your socks on second and then rolling your trousers down over the top means the force is in the opposite direction and you end up pulling your socks down. Particularly when your trousers are tight-fitting.
If I'm working from home I only put the socks on when I'm going to go outside because my wife got me some awesome slippers and I enjoy wearing them.

When I commute or otherwise have to go outside right away I put the socks on first.
What the hell is wrong with people?
what ever is on top of my clothes pile
wait, we need to wear pants?
this poll could be retitled 'do you live somewhere cold'.
seasonal? don't always wear socks inside, especially when its warm. and summer days often not at all. Where in winter I'll wear socks way before it's time for pants or getting properly dressed.
Gotta go pants first because I'm only putting on socks for the minimal amount of time possible.
I'm not a fan of trousers. I've heard there's snakes in them, and I don't want to deal with snakes.
one sock, one leg of trousers, second sock, rest of trousers... Just to piss off people.
The poll is missing the sock-pants-sock option 😀
to 31% of people: tell me you don't wear skinny jeans without telling me you don't wear skinny jeans
This is a real nail-biter
This is surprisingly divided
I pretty much *always* put my trousers on first but then immediately remember I should have put my socks on first because it’s so much easier to put socks on without trousers getting in the way.
I only wear socks when I put shoes on, so, always pants first because socks often doesn't follow
It's down to the wire here
I never conceived of the possibility of putting on ones socks first
people start with their socks!? Absolute animals!
Well, this turned out to be a mind-blower.

I am a former pants-firster who has become a socks-firster.

Putting a stockinged foot through a pair of trousers is smoother and easier than a bare foot.

And your cuffs and socks don't get rolled and ruffled. Everything is pushing in the right direction.

So, I'm socks usually, unless I forget.

When it's cold, I'll do: long johns, then inner socks over the LJs to keep them straight, then trousers, then wool socks over the trousers.
Related #EvanPoll idea: sock sock shoe shoe, or sock shoe sock shoe?

I used to be a liner+wool socks person until I graduated to smartwool and darn tough wool socks. Admittedly, it does weaken the overlapping layers at seams, but I think skiing is the only place I notice.
In my case, it's also an age thing. Even minor impediments to bending while putting on socks (e.g. trousers/pants) are to be avoided
pants first, because I like walking around feet-naked but I really prefer wearing socks when going feet-shoeed 😀
beware of the sock gap
Thank you for those polls that pop the filter bubble. We live among such people, and it’s s(h)ocking.
Being naked is way simpler.