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4am, I wake up - the mountains are calling. Today my friend and I went #hiking in Franconia Notch State Park. We had a blast! More photos to come soon - it was a long day.
A stream flows through a forest. The sun shines through from the right and the sunlight is very visible. This one of our first views of the morning A view of some mountains from up on Franconia Ridge. Clouds are flowing in between and around  two mountains, as well as above. The mountains are mostly green worn trees with some exposed rock faces
A close up of a waterfall on Falling Waters trail in Franconia Notch. White splashing water takes up most of the photo with the occasional visible wet rock and some green foliage above. Possibly Stairs Falls but I’m not sure. Green tree covered mountains and hills near and far. From bright to dark to blue based on clouds and shadows above. Nice big puffy clouds a above. Darker trees are close as well
Hiking log and more pictures.

Around 9 miles, 3950ft elev gain. We did Mt Lincoln and Mt Lafayette. My legs were tired today, I’ve been trying to fit 2 longer hikes in a week and I think I need more recovery time still. My knees hate me after today’s descent.

We monitored the weather all week and Monday was clear with a chance of showers late afternoon that never materialized. It was a cool and very cloudy day though which made for some unique views.

Falling Waters trail was an early highlight with several waterfalls. It also had 4 or 5 water crossings that you had to get your boots wet for. Fortunately, we went with full waterproof boots today and we’re fine.

I also got to stop by my first AMC but today - it was neat, although I mostly just poked my head in.
Up on Franconia Ridge, Mt Lafayette is being shy. It’s obscured by clouds. Both it and Lincoln were half in the clouds today. Ahead, a rocky path along Franconia ridge that leads up into the clouds Near the end of our descent, we look above at the mountains whose tops are mostly covered in clouds. Vibrant green forest covers the base of them
A hiker goes along Franconia ridge among the clouds grey misty clouds cover the top half of the photo and surround a higher part of the ridge. A rocky path leads through it. A look up a steep, wet, rocky path we descended. A long stretch of this made descending slow and treacherous today due to all the recent rain.
Ok, one more post for #WaterfallWednesday - The first pic is Cloudland Falls in Franconia Notch from my hiking trip Monday. Vid in next post
Cloudland Falls on Falling Waters trail in Franconia Notch State Park in NH. A midsized waterfall that widens as it reaches the bottom. Surrounded by fresh green foliage above and on both sides. Watery rocks at my feet. Another small waterfall near the top of Falling Waters trail. It is splashing down 5-8 feet onto black multi colored rocks below with forest above.
One of the many water crossing on Falling Waters trail. We hopped from submerged rock to submerged rock and to small logs. This shows 20-30 feet of flowing water partially covering many rocks. Grey rock at the other side is where the trail continues