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Which of the following are a technology?

(Select all that apply.)

Explanations / discussion in response as well as boosts are welcomed and appreciated.

#Technology #WhatIsTechnology #www #printing #writing #maths #speech

  • WWW (HTML & HTTP, etc.) (74 votes)
  • Printing (78 votes)
  • Maths (41 votes)
  • Writing (54 votes)
  • Speech (22 votes)
Poll end: 2 years ago

If you heave to learn to do it, and can then teach someone else, it's a technology. So, speech counts, unless it's entirely hardwired for some reason. Same with everything else, really.

Hmm. I guess the hardest thing there is domesticated plants and animals. I'd count those as technologies, and while they certainly involve learning and teaching, you also need to acquire breeding stock of said plant or animal... :/