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I've been thinking about the lack of algorithmic* feeds in the #Fediverse and wondering how much that is hurting growth and retention. Big social media spend billions on getting and keeping eyeballs, and algorithmic timelines are a huge part of that.

I think it's right to avoid it, but I worry that will just forever stunt growth. The alternative is human curators, I think, but I have no idea how to make that happen.

*Yes, I know reverse chronological is an algorithm, algo-pedants.

@John Conway Your whole post hinges on growth being desirable. However, with no profit incentive on the #Fediverse, there's no need for growth either. Commercial social networks spend so much on growth and retention because it's integral to their business model, not in their users' best interest, see the toxic culture fostered on Instagram.
I think the larger point about people being able to build local networks on the Fediverse, which they can use to create.

I understand that creating on the internet is a major business thing these days, and I don't know if I think it's worth burning down a network for, but I think that it's something to consider.
@silverwizard Even through an artist point of view, regular social media algorithms don't do much for them, mostly hiding their content from some of their followers, and increasing exposure inequality by recommending already popular posts/artists.